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2023-10-23   British English
The Link Between Inflation and Equity Returns, Part One


In place where it has been long absent, it is hard to remember what a curse inflation is. In other places, it is hard to forget it. Take Zimbabwe. In 2008 it suffered an inflation rate in the squil...

在长期没有通货膨胀的地方,很难记得通货膨胀诅咒是什么。在其他地方,则很难忘记。例如,津巴布韦。在2008年,津巴布韦遭遇巨额通货膨胀。每隔几周价格就翻一番,然后是每隔几天。 钞票就像是五彩纸屑。有些人转而把股票作为一种价值储存手段。周...

2023-10-21   British English
It's a Memory for People to See a Film at the Drive-in - Ⅱ


Warner has arranged a digital-only release for "Scoob!", which was due in theatres on May 15th. Paramount has sold "The Lovebirds" to Netflix. Even Disney, which does better at the box office than ...


2023-10-19   British English
It's a Memory for People to See a Film at the Drive-in - Ⅰ


The lights are off in many Florida businesses. But after dark, the glow of the Ocala Drive-In's 90-foot screen can be seen from a quarter of a mile down the highway. With half the parking spaces...


2023-10-17   British English
The Successes of Furlough Schemes and Their Side Effects in Europe


Labour markets in Europe. Pain relief. The successes of furlough schemes—and their side effects. So impressive is Germany's trading prowess that when the coronavirus pandemic struck, it even ...

欧洲的劳动力市场 已止痛 休假计划的成功及其负面影响 德国的贸易能力十分惊人,在新冠肺炎袭击之时竟然还能挖掘新的出口商品:即它的“短时工作计划”,或者叫“缩时工作制”。为了防止封锁期间出现大规模的失业并支持工人的收入,今年多数经...

2023-10-15   British English
Oil-market Meddling, Part Two


A grand supply agreement between America, Saudi Arabia and Russia might boost the oil price, but only temporarily. "The price war has become largely irrelevant," says Ben Luckock of Trafigura, a tr...


2023-10-13   British English
Oil-market Meddling, Part One


Early in march the oil market's central banker seemed to go berserk. Saudi Arabia, the most powerful member of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), has long adjusted its...


2023-10-11   British English
Social Status and Health, Part Two


The next question was what all these genes actually do. Sure enough the answer, for a substantial fraction of them, was that they regulate aspects of the immune system. In particular, low-status indiv...


2023-10-09   British English
Social Status and Health, Part One


Science and Technology. Social status and health. Misery index. Low social status is bad for your health. Biologists are starting to understand why. Once upon a time the overstressed executive b...

科技 社会地位与健康 贫困指数 为什么社会地位低对身体不好 生物学家开始理解此中的奥秘 曾经,人们对现代化的一个根深蒂固的印象是,领导们在巨大压力的折磨之下,对着电话狂吼,下达命令,取消会议,待在办公室到很晚,最后死于心脏病。可...

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