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2023-11-20   British English
The Returns on Housing Investment, Part Two


The Oxbridge archives are rich enough to allow for the construction of something like an ideal property index, however. The study's authors dredged for detailed data on sales and purchases (from trans...


2023-11-18   British English
The Returns on Housing Investment, Part One


University challenge. The returns on housing investment are not what they are cracked up to be. Brits, it is said, have a penchant for nostalgia. So take a trip down memory lane to the autumn of 1...

大学挑战 住房投资的回报并不是他们所吹嘘的那样 据说英国人对怀旧情有独钟。所以,沿着记忆的小路回到1997年的秋天,那是一段更加快乐的时光。英国的经济似乎正在加速。英格兰银行将利率提高到了7.25%,但消费者的适应能力有多强?零...

2023-11-16   British English
The Role of Trade Finance, Part Two


Still, because trade finance is short-term— usually 30 to 90 days—and backed by collateral, lenders have some recourse. Natalie Blyth of HSBC, a bank, reckons that the performance gap between trade...

因为贸易金融是短期的——通常为30到90天——并有保证金的支持,银行有一些追索权。汇丰银行的娜塔莉·布莱思认为,贸易金融资产和公司贷款之间的表现差距将会扩大。 第三个问题是可能出现的新融资紧缩。为了评估客户,银行和保险公司依赖信用评级...

2023-11-14   British English
The Role of Trade Finance, Part One


"In warm weather, fewer people wear socks," says Paul Rotstein of Gold Medal International, a wholesaler in New York. People may not sport socks in the summer but his firm starts shipping them to r...

“在温暖的天气,穿袜子的人更少,”纽约批发商Gold Medal International的保罗·罗斯坦说到。夏天人们可能不穿运动袜,但他的公司在7月份开学前就开始把袜子运送给零售商。但在他拿到钱之前,时间上存在一个大的延迟。通常,他会购...

2023-11-12   British English
Average Joe - The Real Joe Biden, Part Two


Instead, he beat him in politics, with words rather than fists. As things turned out, the contrasting styles of his predecessors may have made Mr Biden’s deeply prosaic register an asset after all. ...

相反,拜登没有动拳头,而是在政治上用言语击败了特朗普。事实证明,与前任总统们截然不同的风格竟然可能使拜登平淡无奇的语体风格变成难能可贵的财富。 奥巴马在2008年获得民主党党内提名时表示,我们的子孙后代可能会把这一时刻记为“海洋面上升...

2023-11-10   British English
Average Joe - The Real Joe Biden, Part One


Books & arts. Johnson. Average Joe. The president-elect lacks a silver tongue and makes for poor TV. That may be an asset During the Obama years, the Onion, a satirical online newspaper, carri...

文艺板块 约翰逊专栏 普通人乔·拜登 这位当选总统没有流利的口才,电视表现也不佳。但这可能恰恰是他的可贵之处。 在奥巴马执政期间,讽刺性的网络报纸《洋葱报》刊登了一系列关于乔·拜登的文章,并在文中称他为“钻石乔”和“邪恶的...

2023-11-08   British English
The Sale of BBVA's American Unit to PNC, Part Two


The price tag on BBVA's American franchise amounts to about 30 times its projected earnings in 2021, according to analysts at UBS, a bank. That is a lot for a unit that has long underperformed, postin...


2023-11-06   British English
The Sale of BBVA's American Unit to PNC, Part One


Retail banks. Bye bye America. The sale of BBVA's American unit to PNC may set off a wave of mergers. In May PNC, America's seventh-largest retail bank by assets, sold a stake in BlackRock, an as...

零售银行 拜拜美国 将BBVA的美国分部出售给PNC可能会掀起一股并购浪潮 今年5月,按资产计算为美国第七大零售银行的PNC以170亿美元的价格出售了资产管理公司贝莱德的股份。PNC的老板比尔·德姆查克当时表示,对经济的担忧促使...

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