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2024-04-26   British English
A Guide to Running a Company in a Period of Stagflation


Business. Managing American business in hard times: No margin for error. A guide to running a company in a period of stagflation. For the leaders of American Inc, high inflation is unwelcome. ...

商业 在艰难时期管理美国企业:容不得犯错 在滞胀时期经营公司的指南。 美国公司的领导人不欢迎高通胀。对其也不熟悉。91岁的沃伦·巴菲特是标准普尔500指数的大企业中年龄最大的老板,最近的一次,他早在2011年致股东的信中就股价上...

2024-04-24   British English
A Billionaire’s Challenge to Management Thinking, Part 2


The authors of the paper did discover a wide range of approaches, with some managers going on gut instinct and others using very formalised processes. But the researchers found that bosses who use ...

调查发现,他们的决策方式确实各不相同,一些管理者凭直觉行事,另一些则循规蹈矩。但研究人员发现,老板采用的流程越有条理,其带领的公司往往规模更大、发展更快(其中的逻辑关系尚不清楚)。他们做决定的速度也往往更慢。 马斯克先生和其追随者的方...

2024-04-22   British English
A Billionaire’s Challenge to Management Thinking, Part 1


Business. Bartleby: The bird and the boss. A billionaire’s challenge to management thinking. Elon musk’s takeover of Twitter raises questions of policy: is it right for the world’s richest man to...

商业 巴托比:小蓝鸟与大老板 亿万富翁的管理思维挑战 埃隆·马斯克接管推特后,人们从多个角度提出了质疑,首先是政策角度:这么重要的公共论坛成为全球首富的所属物,这合适吗?其次是法律角度:他刚完成收购就在短短几天内决定解雇这么多员...

2024-04-20   British English
European Finance - Frightening Tightening, Part 2


In parts of Europe’s financial system, QT looks increasingly urgent. The continent’s financial firms borrow and lend 11.5trn euros ($12trn) every year in its “repo” markets, in which the firms post...


2024-04-18   British English
European Finance - Frightening Tightening, Part 1


Finance and economics. European finance: Frightening tightening. Europe’s central bankers are nervous about unwinding quantitative easing. Central banks are finally getting into the swing of qu...

财经 欧洲金融:可怕的紧缩 欧洲央行行长们对退出量化宽松感到紧张。各国央行终于开始实施量化紧缩政策(QT)。加拿大银行今年已经削减了五分之一的资产负债表。英国央行在11月1日举行了首次国债出售操作。美联储的资产负债表在10月份缩水了8...

2024-04-16   British English
Goldman Sachs’s Disastrous Main Street Gamble


Finance and economics. Banking: Stick to Manhattan. Goldman Sachs’s disastrous Main Street gamble. How hard can it be? Goldman Sachs is supposed to employ the sharpest minds in finance. Trade...

财经 银行业:坚守曼哈顿 高盛损失惨重的主街赌博 这能有多难呢?高盛集团的员工理应是金融界最聪明的人才。与其交手的商人都瑟瑟发抖;老板们纷纷向其银行家寻求建议;投资者把身家都寄托在其分析师的每一句话上。 2016年,当高盛...

2024-04-14   British English
U.S. Inflation - Faster, Higher, Longer, Part Two


The second dimension is also becoming clearer. In September the median expectation of Fed officials was that rates would peak at 4.6% next year. Bond pricing now has the peak pegged at 5%, refle...

第二个维度也愈发清晰。9月份,美联储官员的预期中值是利率将在明年达到4.6%的峰值。债券定价现在将峰值固定在5%,反映出各种通胀指标一直居高不下。鲍威尔先生暗示,美联储的想法与债券市场一致。 即便如此,从现在开始小幅加息也是有道理的。...

2024-04-12   British English
U.S. Inflation - Faster, Higher, Longer, Part One


Finance and economics. Inflation: Faster, higher, longer. The Fed delivers another jumbo rate rise, and it’s far from done. As recently as the start of June investors and analysts believed that a...

财经 通货膨胀:更快、更高、更长 美联储再次大幅加息,而这离结束还早着呢就在6月初,投资者和分析师还认为,0.5个百分点对美联储来说就算是“巨幅”加息了。真是老古董。在连续四次加息0.75个百分点(最近一次是在11月2日)之后,他们的...

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