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2023-11-12   Pre-Intermediate
A Blood Disorder Called Sickle Cell Anemia - Ⅱ


“[Instead of] excelling physically outdoors, I stay in and think creatively. I write music and come up with program ideas. I use my mind [instead of] my body.” There is no cure for Sickle Cell Anem...

2023-09-25   Pre-Intermediate
The Effect Music can Have on Severely Ill People


Hospitals employ many therapeutic methods. In addition to medication, there are interventions like massage therapy and hypnosis. Music therapy is also growing in popularity. Sandra Siedliecki is a Sen...

2023-09-13   Pre-Intermediate
How Babies Learn, When, and Even In What Position, Part Two


The World Health Organization says iron deficiency is the most-common micronutrient disorder worldwide. WHO officials also say iron deficiency is a leading cause of anemia. About two billion people su...

2023-09-11   Pre-Intermediate
How Babies Learn, When, and Even In What Position, Part One


Not long ago, many people believed that babies only wanted food and to be kept warm and dry. Some people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old. But doctor...

2023-08-10   Pre-Intermediate
Deadly Allergic Reactions, Part One


Lucy Parry was getting ready to leave her home. It was a spring day in 2007. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain. A wasp, a flying insect, had stung her. For most people this may not have been a big probl...

2023-04-18   Pre-Intermediate
How Music Affects the Human Brain


It doesn't matter whether you play a guitar,a piano, a horn, or a drum.And what kind of music you play is not important.Maybe you like to play classical music like this.Or maybe you like to play this ...

2023-03-19   Pre-Intermediate
You can Learn While You Sleep


In nineteen twenty-eight, a British scientist made a chance observation.He found that some mold had grown in bacteriain a culture plate in his laboratory.Molds can do that.But this mold that had someh...

2023-01-26   Pre-Intermediate
The Science of Severe Ocean Storms


Severe storms that develop over the Indian Ocean are called cyclones.Storms that form over the northwestern Pacific Ocean are typhoons.And storms that form over the eastern Pacific and the Atlantic Oc...

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