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2023-01-26   Pre-Intermediate
The Science of Severe Ocean Storms


Severe storms that develop over the Indian Ocean are called cyclones.Storms that form over the northwestern Pacific Ocean are typhoons.And storms that form over the eastern Pacific and the Atlantic Oc...

2023-01-22   Pre-Intermediate
Andreas Hofer


“I will not kneel. Fire!” These were the last words of Andreas Hofer. He spoke them in his own language, German. The year was 1810. Andreas Hofer is a hero in his own country, Austria. People remem...

2023-01-18   Pre-Intermediate
Minnesota State Fair Held Giant Sing Along


The northern state of Minnesota is home to one of the nation's largest and oldest state fairs.It has farm animals,home-made foods, carnival rides and,for the second summer, a Giant Sing Along.Children...

2023-01-14   Pre-Intermediate
Free Hugs


A man stands in a busy shopping centre. People walk by him quickly. There are all kinds of people: rich, poor, young, and old. They are men, women, and children. The man is holding a large sign. The s...

2023-01-08   Pre-Intermediate
Charles Eastman - One of the Great Sioux Warriors


In the early days of the last century,an American doctor wrote about the Native American people called the Lakota or Sioux.His name was Charles Eastman.He was one of the few people to ever win the tru...

2023-01-04   Pre-Intermediate
Iron Deficiency Anaemia


Imagine a baby boy. Let’s call him Manuel. Manuel is born in a poor area of Mexico. He is his parent’s third child. Manuel’s mother has been tired a lot during her pregnancy. But she has been working ...

2023-01-02   Pre-Intermediate
NY Museum Showed Crawling with Spiders


What has eight legs,comes in forty-three thousand species and has a serious public image problem? If you said a spider, you are right!The spider family has lived on Earth for about three hundred milli...

2022-12-31   Pre-Intermediate
Bipolar Disorder


“I was in the tenth year of school. I can remember being awake for days. And I was talking a lot. My mind was working all the time. My senses were completely alive. Life was beautiful. I had never fel...

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