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2023-01-18   British English
The World Bank - Right Cause, Wrong Battle


The World Bank is a technocratic development organisation, not a place for political advocacy. Setting up gay rights as a test of its lending decisions is likely to make the bank less effective at wha...

世行是一个技术主导的发展组织而不是用作政治倡议的。设置同性恋权利作为其贷款政策的检测关卡可能会使得世行在消除极端贫困问题的效率上大打折扣,金先生曾经强调这是世行的核心任务。 世行的技术解决论在该组织的特色中扮演了一个重要的角色。它的创...

2022-12-31   Pre-Intermediate
Bipolar Disorder


“I was in the tenth year of school. I can remember being awake for days. And I was talking a lot. My mind was working all the time. My senses were completely alive. Life was beautiful. I had never fel...

2022-12-23   Pre-Intermediate
About Anemia


I feel tired all the time. I feel very weak. My heart beats fast - even when I am not afraid or excited. Sometimes I feel as if I do not have enough air to breathe. I feel like I may faint. There ...

2022-12-19   British English
Transatlantic Espionage


Transatlantic espionage. The lives of others. European governments should not kick up a fuss about American spying. They have too much to lose. NOBODY likes to be spied on, especially by their al...

横跨大西洋的谍战 窃听风暴 欧洲国家政府不应为了“棱镜”门而大吵大闹。因为他们将损失惨重 没人喜欢被监控,更不要说被自己的盟友监控了。所以,当欧洲国家发现,美国人在对他们实施监控、还是在自己的地盘上时,会火冒三丈就不足为奇了。美国不...

2022-12-19   Pre-Intermediate
The Guinea Worm Containment Center


Hyacinth Igelle is a farmer. He lives in Ogi, a village in Nigeria. The people in the village do not have very much money, but they work very hard. Recently, Mr. Igelle has not been able to work. His ...

2022-12-11   Pre-Intermediate
Mining Disasters


In the past, older economies had their fair share of mining disasters. Probably it takes time to learn to avoid them. In Britain, a tragic event over forty years ago brought mining safety into the nat...

2022-12-03   Pre-Intermediate
Climate Refugees


In 2005, scientists with NASA, the United States space program, took a picture of the earth from space. What they saw shocked them. The picture showed that the Arctic’s thick ice is shrinking. You ...

2022-11-25   Pre-Intermediate
The Protection and Enjoyment of the Beach and the Coast


One day in the year 2000, Angel received a call from a friend. He answered the telephone and received some shocking news. His friend told Angel, “They are tearing apart our beach!” His friend said tha...

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