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2021-11-26   Pre-Intermediate
Clean Drinking Water


The sun beats down. It is a hot dry day. A man is working in a field. It is tiring work - the ground is hard and difficult to dig. He stops for a short time. His body is suffering. He has lost a lot o...

2021-11-14   Pre-Intermediate
Defending Yourself Against Attacks


It was a beautiful day in August 1990. Jenna was walking home from work. A man in a mask began to walk behind her. The mask covered his whole head. The man attacked Jenna. He pulled her to the ground....

2021-11-10   Pre-Intermediate
The Women of Juarez


Claudia Ivette González was twenty years old. She worked in a factory. One morning, in October 2001, she arrived at her job. This particular day she arrived at the factory four minutes late. Her manag...

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