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2022-04-03   British English
California was Ordered to Make Its Prisons More Humane


ANTHONY KENNEDY, appointed to the Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan and in effect its swing vote nowadays, has for years been speaking out against the inhumane conditions inside America’s prisons. As a n...


2022-04-01   British English
A look at How Japan Views the Sea and Itself


The great wave. A look at how Japan views the sea and itself. AT AROUND the age of 70, Katsushika Hokusai, still bounding with artistic energy, created “Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji”, a series of ...

滔天巨浪 日本之自身观和海洋观解读 葛饰北斋70岁上下之时,艺术细胞仍然丝毫未减,创作了《富士三十六景》系列浮世绘(也叫做木板水印画)。而他最有名的作品莫过于1830年左右创作的《巨浪下的神户川》了,从丁丁书到茶杯上都可见这部巨...

2022-03-28   British English
How Osama Bin Laden's Death and Life Changed America


Lexington. The long road home. How Osama bin Laden's death, and life, have changed America. WHAT America needs, Sarah Palin is fond of saying, is a commander-in-chief, not a professor-in-chief. L...

列克星敦 回家的路还长着呢 奥萨马·本·拉登的死与生如何改变了美国 莎拉佩林喜欢说,美国,要成为一个统帅而不是首席教授。看来这位前阿拉斯加州州长得和其他民主党反对人士一样,收回前言了。事实上确实如此,自从美国突袭击毙奥萨马本拉登...

2022-03-22   British English
NY's Old People Rebel To the Barricades for Medicare


New York's old people rebel. To the barricades for Medicare. A by-election may be a referendum on the Republicans’ health plans. NEW YORK is a blue state. Its governor, Andrew Cuomo, is a Democra...

纽约老人起来反抗 老年保健医疗制度的障碍卡 或许递补选举是对共和党保健方案的一次公民选票 纽约州在图中为蓝色区域。纽约州总检查长安德鲁·科莫和纽约州两名参议院是民主党员。不过大部分纽约人都很保守,如位于纽约西部的共和党的第...

2022-03-18   Pre-Intermediate
World Food Day


More than eight hundred and fifty million [850,000,000] people in the world do not have enough to eat. Hunger and poverty claim twenty five thousand [25,000] lives every day. These reports are fro...

2022-03-18   British English
India’s Sex Ratio is Getting Worse


India’s sex ratio is getting worse. The trend can be reversed. THE news from India’s 2011 census is almost all heartening. Literacy is up; life expectancy is up;family size is stabilising. But ther...

印度的性别比例扭曲越加严重,这个趋势能够逆转 来自印度2011年的人口调查的消息几乎都让人振奋。识字率上升;预期寿命上升;家庭规模稳定。但是有一个例外,很严峻。2011年,印度6岁及其以下的儿童中每1000个男孩对应只有914个女孩。...

2022-03-12   British English
Osama bin Laden’s End


Now, kill his dream. Osama bin Laden’s brand of brutal jihad is losing its appeal in the Arab world. A FEW bullets were enough. But the shots that killed Osama bin Laden in the dead of night on ...

扼杀了他的梦想 本·拉登的野蛮圣战呼声在阿拉伯国家减弱 几发子弹绰绰有余。5月2日晚,本·拉登在伊斯兰郊区的寓所内被射杀身亡。经过15年不屈不挠地追踪,经历过伊朗和阿富汗两场持久战,花了超过万亿美元的费用,有大约15万人口的死亡...

2022-03-10   Pre-Intermediate
The Chernobyl Accident


On April 26, 1986 the world changed forever. A part of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded. The explosion released harmful chemicals into the air. Many people died. Even more people became sick...

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