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2022-06-04   British English
Britain Mayhem 2011


Britain. Policing the mobs. Under fire. The police stand accused of allowing mayhem to go unchecked. AFTER five days of spreading Saturnalian anarchy on the streets of English cities, the disgust ...

英国 平息暴乱 遭猛烈抨击 任由暴乱升级,警方遭猛批 混乱狂欢般在英国数座城市蔓延了五天之后,人们对混乱制造者感到憎恶和气愤之余,也开始对个别地区警方无力控制暴乱局势感到失望。某些骚乱城镇,暴乱的年轻人对店铺疯狂地砸抢烧,而开着装甲...

2022-06-02   British English
Anarchy in the UK


Anarchy in the UK. A bout of violent mindlessness that has shaken Britain’s sense of self—and may be exportable. SHAME was the first response of many people in Britain to the riots that started in...

英国的乱局 极端的无知动摇了英国的自我意识,并可能祸水外流 许多英国人对该国骚乱的第一反应是羞耻。这场骚乱8月6日始发于伦敦托特纳姆地区,在随后几天里掠过首都蔓延到曼彻斯特、伯明翰和其他一些城市。人们在羞耻之余,还深感困惑。那些...

2022-05-29   Pre-Intermediate
Darfur, Sudan


Darfur, Sudan. The name means, ‘the land of the Fur’. It is a large dry area in the west of Africa’s largest country. And it is an area of serious conflict. The conflict started there in 2003. It bega...

2022-05-25   British English
The Uncanny Stickability of Japan’s Prime Minister


Japan’s hopeless politics. Nuclear options. The uncanny stickability of Japan’s prime minister. ALREADY enduring its sixth prime minister in five years, Japan is overdue a seventh. Naoto Kan, the...

无望的日本政治 核的选择 日本首相超长的忍耐力 尽管五年之内日本经历了六位首相,但是任然期待新首相的上任。现任首相菅直人在处在旋转门之间,之所以还在位,是因为六月初称其在不久就会下台,以换取国会终止不信任的投票。无论是反对党自民党还...

2022-05-25   Pre-Intermediate
What Happiness Meant


Experts in the 1970’s carried out a study in Britain. They wanted to find out about how British people felt. They asked people to describe their general emotional state. The experts found that thirty-...

2022-05-21   Pre-Intermediate
Road Accidents


Every day, road accidents kill over three thousand five hundred [3500] people around the world. And over one hundred fifty thousand [150,000] people are injured. These road accidents affect millions o...

2022-05-19   British English
Domestic Workers


Domestic workers. Free the maids. A new treaty aims to stop abuse. WITHOUT them many an economy would grind to a halt: the global army of between 50m and 100m domestic workers, most of them women a...

家庭女佣 释放女佣 旨在禁止虐待的新条约 全球约有五千万到一亿的家政服务大军,如果没有他们,许多经济都会慢慢停下来。他们中的大多数人是妇女和儿童。他们忙碌在中东和亚洲的一些国家的厨房和托儿所,他们常常拿不到应得的报酬,很少有假期。 ...

2022-05-14   Intermediate
A Scientists' Bill of Rights


Gottfried: Two of our first three presidents, Adams and Jefferson, had a keen interest in science. Franklin, who signed both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was a royal-class scie...

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