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2024-01-23   Pre-Intermediate
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equian, Part One


“We arrived at the coast. The first thing I saw was the sea. And then a ship for carrying slaves. The slave ship was waiting for the sailors to load goods onto it. What I saw filled me with great surp...

2023-12-10   British English
The 2021 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine and the Winners - Ⅱ


That chemical signal stimulates a nerve impulse which tells the brain about the temperature change. TRPV1 turned out to be one of several temperature-sensitive ion channels, some of which register ...

这种化学信号会刺激神经冲动,从而告诉大脑温度的变化。TRPV1是几种对温度敏感的离子通道之一,其中一些记录热量,一些记录寒冷。它是一种对冷敏感的变种,由TRPM8变化得来的,这些是由朱利叶斯和帕塔博蒂安博士同时发现的。 帕塔博蒂安博士...

2023-12-08   British English
The 2021 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine and the Winners - Ⅰ


The idea that there are five senses goes back at least as far as Aristotle. But it is not quite true. Four of the senses are obvious, if only because each is associated with a particular organ: sig...

人有五种感官的想法至少可以追溯到亚里士多德。但这样说也并不完全准确。有四种感官是显而易见的,因为每一种感官都与特定的器官相关:用眼睛看,用耳朵听,用舌头尝,用鼻子闻。 但是第五种经典感觉,触觉,分布在整个身体表面,集中在指尖。此外,触...

2023-12-06   Pre-Intermediate
The Olympic Dreams of Natalie du Toit and Oscar Pistorius - Ⅱ


There is good news for Natalie! Her Olympic dream is about to come true! She does not use any aids to help her swim. So, the authorities permitted her to try and reach the level needed to compete in t...

2023-12-06   British English
The 2021 Nobel Chemistry Prize and the Winners


The chemistry prize was shared by Benjamin List, of the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, in Mülheim an der Ruhr, and David MacMillan, of Princeton University. Their prizewinning work, publis...

诺贝尔化学奖由位于鲁尔河畔米尔海姆州马克斯·普朗克煤炭研究所的本杰明·利斯特和普林斯顿大学的大卫·麦克米伦共享。他们的获奖作品发表于2000年,是独立进行的,当时彼此都不知情,但目的是一致的——为了打破酶和过渡金属在催化领域的束缚。 ...

2023-12-04   Pre-Intermediate
The Olympic Dreams of Natalie du Toit and Oscar Pistorius - Ⅰ


One young man and one young woman who hope to achieve their Olympic dreams. But these two people have had to rise above extreme difficulty, even just to compete. Natalie du Toit and Oscar Pistorius...

2023-12-04   British English
The 2021 Nobel Physics Prize and the Winners, Part Two


Around the same time, scientists such as Edward Lorenz of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were beginning to describe weather as a chaotic system—in other words, something that had so many in...


2023-12-02   British English
The 2021 Nobel Physics Prize and the Winners, Part One


Science and Technology. The 2021 Nobel science prizes and the winners are...... This year’s Nobel prizes brought both delight and disbelief. Important work was honoured, but there was a surprising ...

科技 2021年诺贝尔科学奖的获得者是…… 今年的诺贝尔奖让人既高兴又难以置信 重大科学成就得到了尊重和认可,但也有一个令人惊讶的遗漏 科学家有时会将获得诺贝尔奖的过程简略地称为“斯德哥尔摩之旅”。今年可不是这样。音...

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