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2024-04-29   Video
Think Like a Scientist -- Boundaries


[music plays] [SCHYLER:] I'd been in the borderlands for 15 years before the first wall went up. And since then, there've been dramatic changes that have really just been heartbreaking ...

2024-04-22   Pre-Intermediate
Athénaise - Written by Kate Chopin, Part Two


Two fiery red spots rose to Cazeau's cheeks. What Montéclin said was true. Upon arriving home, Athénaise had announced she was there to stay. It was difficult for her to understand why she had married...

2024-04-20   Pre-Intermediate
Athénaise - Written by Kate Chopin, Part One


Athénaise went away one morning to visit her parents, ten miles back on the Bon Dieu River in Louisiana. She did not return in the evening, and Cazeau, her husband, was worried. Cazeau expressed his w...

2024-04-10   British English
The Word of the Year 2023


Culture. Johnson. The word of the year. Johnson's choice for 2023 will be on people's lips for years to come. Before naming a word of the year, Johnson turns to colleagues to find out what those...

文艺 约翰逊专栏 年度词汇 约翰逊专栏挑选的2023年度词汇将在多年后依然为人们津津乐道 在确定年度词汇之前,笔者问了下同事们,看看不同领域和不同国家的人们都在谈论什么。这是很有益处的,提醒自己世界上不只有英语这一种语言,而...

2024-04-03   Video
Van Leeuwenhoek's First Glimpses of the Microbial World


[CRICKETS CHIRPING] [MUSIC STING] [GENTLE MUSIC PLAYING] [CRICKETS CHIRPING] BONNIE BASSLER: Everything that you can actually see with your eye is just the smallest sliver of life ...

2024-03-05   Pre-Intermediate
'Paul's Case,' by Willa Cather, Part Four


It had all been so very simple, he thought. When they had shut him out of the theater and the concert hall, Paul knew he had to leave. But he was surprised that he had not been afraid to go. He could ...

2024-03-03   Pre-Intermediate
'Paul's Case,' by Willa Cather, Part Three


Paul was a student with a lot of problems. He hated school. He didn't like living with his family on Cordelia Street in the industrial city of Pittsburgh. Paul wanted to be surrounded by beautiful ...

2024-03-01   Pre-Intermediate
'Paul's Case,' by Willa Cather, Part Two


Then the doors opened and she disappeared inside. Paul stared into the hotel as the doors slowly closed. He could feel the warm, sweet air inside. And for a moment, he felt part of a golden world of s...

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