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2024-04-03   Video
Van Leeuwenhoek's First Glimpses of the Microbial World


[CRICKETS CHIRPING] [MUSIC STING] [GENTLE MUSIC PLAYING] [CRICKETS CHIRPING] BONNIE BASSLER: Everything that you can actually see with your eye is just the smallest sliver of life ...

2024-03-05   Pre-Intermediate
'Paul's Case,' by Willa Cather, Part Four


It had all been so very simple, he thought. When they had shut him out of the theater and the concert hall, Paul knew he had to leave. But he was surprised that he had not been afraid to go. He could ...

2024-03-03   Pre-Intermediate
'Paul's Case,' by Willa Cather, Part Three


Paul was a student with a lot of problems. He hated school. He didn't like living with his family on Cordelia Street in the industrial city of Pittsburgh. Paul wanted to be surrounded by beautiful ...

2024-03-01   Pre-Intermediate
'Paul's Case,' by Willa Cather, Part Two


Then the doors opened and she disappeared inside. Paul stared into the hotel as the doors slowly closed. He could feel the warm, sweet air inside. And for a moment, he felt part of a golden world of s...

2024-02-28   Pre-Intermediate
'Paul's Case,' by Willa Cather, Part One


Paul hated school. He did not do his homework. He did not like his teachers. Paul's father did not know what to do with him. His teachers did not know either. One afternoon, all his teachers at Pittsb...

2024-02-26   Pre-Intermediate
'The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky' by Stephen Crane, Part Four


But this house regarded him as a great, stone god might have done. It gave no sign. After a little wait, the man screamed more invitations, mixing them with wonderful curses. After a while came the...

2024-02-22   Pre-Intermediate
'The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky' by Stephen Crane, Part Three


“Don’t know whether there will be a fight or not,” answered one man firmly, “but there’ll be some shooting -- some good shooting.” The young man who had warned them waved his hand. “Oh, there’ll be...

2024-02-18   Pre-Intermediate
'The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky' by Stephen Crane, Part Two


Of course, people in Yellow Sky married as it pleased them. But Potter’s thoughts of his duty to his friends, or of their idea of his duty, made him feel he was sinful. He was guilty of a great and un...

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