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2024-10-05   Pre-Intermediate
World Teachers’ Day


“Education is the great engine that helps people to develop. Education makes many things possible. Through it, the daughter of a poor man can become a doctor. The son of a mineworker can become the he...

“教育是帮助人们发展的巨大引擎。教育使许多事情成为可能。通过它,穷人的女儿可以成为一名医生。矿工的儿子可以成为矿井的负责人。农场工人的孩子可以成为一个伟大国家的总统。重要的是我们如何使用我们所拥有的。 “这是纳尔逊·曼德拉 (Nels...

2024-10-03   Pre-Intermediate
Buzz - A Year of Paying Attention


"Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention." Buzz Ellison is a child who had many problems in elementary school. He could not sit still. He was constantly jumping up and down in class. He did not pay attentio...

“嗡嗡声:关注的一年。” 巴兹·埃里森 (Buzz Ellison) 是一个在小学时遇到很多问题的孩子。他坐不住。他在课堂上不断地上蹿下跳。他不专心老师,无法专注于手头的任务。 因此,他的母亲说,他总是遇到麻烦。他也被欺负了。他的老师给...

2024-09-27   Pre-Intermediate
Schools Want More Therapy for Students


Derry Oliver was in fifth grade when she first talked to her mother about seeing a therapist. They were moving to New York City. Derry had to live with family members in another state while her mothe...

德里·奥利弗 (Derry Oliver) 第一次与母亲谈论去看治疗师时,她正在上五年级。 他们要搬到纽约市。德里不得不与另一个州的家人住在一起,而她的母亲,也叫德里·奥利弗 (Derry Oliver),找到了一份工作和公寓。(在这个故...

2024-09-20   Pre-Intermediate
Schools Need Kids Back to Avoid Budget Cuts


- In my mind, I want to be able to say if you are here, I will serve you. Whatever you need, we will make it happen but that's not the truth. The truth is budgets are fueled by enrollment...

- 在我心中,我希望能够 说如果你在这里,我会为你服务。 无论您需要什么,我们都会实现 但事实并非如此。 事实是预算是 由入学率推动。 - [旁白] 在密歇根州的首府, 兰辛学区学生人数 多年来一...

2024-09-13   Pre-Intermediate
Is College Worth It


The June 2024 study found that 36 percent of adults feel strong confidence in higher education. That percentage is unchanged from the year before. But the researchers said they were concerned that fe...

2024 年 6 月的研究发现,36% 的成年人对高等教育充满信心。该百分比与前一年持平。 但研究人员表示,他们担心的是,说他们有 “一些 ”信心的美国人越来越少,而更多的人报告说 “很少 ”或 “没有”。今年的调查结果显示,几乎没有信心...

2024-08-26   Pre-Intermediate
A Municipal Report by O. Henry, Part Two


Azalea Adair opened a tiny old purse and took out a dollar bill. It had been fixed with a piece of blue paper and the upper right hand corner was missing. It was the dollar I had given to Uncle Caesar...

Azalea Adair 打开一个小小的旧钱包,拿出一张美元钞票。它用一张蓝色的纸固定了,右上角不见了。那是我给凯撒叔叔的那块钱。“到贝克先生的店里去吧,英皮,”她说,“给我拿二十五美分的茶叶和十美分的糖蛋糕。请快点。 孩子跑出了房间...

2024-08-24   Pre-Intermediate
A Municipal Report by O. Henry, Part One


It was raining as I got off the train in Nashville, Tennessee -- a slow, gray rain. I was tired so I went straight to my hotel. A big, heavy man was walking up and down in the hotel lobby. Somethin...

我在田纳西州纳什维尔下火车时下了雨——一场缓慢的灰色雨。我很累,所以我直接去了我的酒店。 一个高大魁梧的男人在酒店大堂里来回走动。他的移动方式让我想起了一只饥饿的狗在寻找骨头。他有一张又大又胖的红脸,眼睛里带着困倦的表情。他介绍自己叫...

2024-08-20   Pre-Intermediate
'Mammon and the Archer' by O. Henry, Part Two


That evening his sister Ellen came to Anthony, to talk about the troubles that lovers have. “He told me all about it,” said brother Anthony. “I told him he could have all the money he wanted. Then ...

那天晚上,他的妹妹爱伦来找安东尼,谈论恋人之间的烦恼。 “他把这一切都告诉我了,”安东尼弟兄说。“我告诉他,他可以得到他想要的所有钱。然后他开始说,钱对他没用。他说钱帮不上忙。 “哦,安东尼,”艾伦说,“我希望你不要那么想钱。金...

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