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2022-01-09   British English
How to Make College Cheaper


Business.Schumpeter. How to make college cheaper. Better management would allow American universities to do more with less. DEREK BOK, a former president of Harvard, once observed that “universitie...

商业 熊彼特 怎样才能让大学更便宜一些 改善下管理就能让美国大学少花钱多办事 哈佛前校长德里克·博克曾经注意到,“大学与病态性赌徒和流亡皇族们有一个共同特征:永远没有足够的钱来满足他们的欲望。”这对于病态性赌徒和流亡皇族们...

2022-01-03   Pre-Intermediate
Heat - Nature's Deadliest Killer


This week,we tell about health problems linked to extreme heat.We tell what experts suggest to prevent and treat these problems.(MUSIC)Extremely hot weather is common in many parts of the world.Althou...

2021-12-26   British English
Damien Hirst Retrospective


Books and Arts; Damien Hirst retrospective; Is nothing sacred? The Tate Modern stamp of approval; Damien Hirst may be rich and famous, but he does not have everything. The 46-year-old artist has nev...

文艺;书评;达米安·赫斯特回顾展; 无所尊重吗?泰特现代美术馆的准入章; 达米安·赫斯特或许富有而闻名,但他并非拥有了一切。这位46岁的艺术家从来没在一家现代艺术博物馆举办过个人回顾展。如果他打算将自己的恶名变成不朽,那就需要公...

2021-12-25   Intermediate
Eating Like An Animal


Gentlemen! Thank you very much for being here. Bell: Thanks for having me. Zweig: Thanks! Steve, this is an unusual opportunity to join science and law. Steve: Dr. Zweig, tell me about ASTAR. What ...

2021-12-21   Intermediate
Human Evolution Fossil Find


Dr. Johanson, thank you very for talking to us today. Johanson: Well, it's a pleasure to be here to talk about this exciting new discovery from Ethiopia. Steve: A major paleoanthropological find tha...

2021-12-20   British English
Linguistics - Say What


Science and Technology. Linguistics. Say what? To find new subjects of study, some linguists simply open their front doors. WHERE in the world is the largest number of different languages spoken? M...

科技 语言学 你说什么? 要寻找新的研究主题,一些语言学家只须打开前门 世界上哪一个地区使用的语言种类最多?大部分语言学家可能都会坚决地认为是新几内亚,在这个岛上,有830种已被认可的语言散布在丛林广布的偏远山谷中。但在地...

2021-12-06   British English
Queen Elizabeth II


Books and Arts; Book Review; Queen Elizabeth II; Royal bow;Why the queen has to be seen to be believed? The Real Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. By Andrew Marr. Queen Elizabe...

文艺;书评;伊丽莎白二世; 向女王致敬;女王为什么要与众不同? 《真实的伊丽莎白:近观伊丽莎白二世》安德·鲁马尔着。 《伊丽莎白二世:她生活在我们这一代》莎拉·布莱德福德着。 《女王一生简观》罗伯特·拉西着。 ...

2021-12-05   Intermediate
Space Shuttle & Fingerprints


Dr. Bagian, thanks for talking to us today. Bagian: Oh, glad to be here. Steve: You already had an M.D. when you became an astronaut. Bagian: Really, NASA, when they look for astronauts, they look ...

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