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2022-03-04   Pre-Intermediate
STORIES - ‘Judge’ - Part One


When Charlie Hestle died,he left a wife and nine children.They lived on a small piece of land in a house with four rooms.John was the oldest boy.He was 16 years old and tall for his age.After his fath...

2022-02-27   Intermediate
The Box That Changed the World


Professor Donovan, good to talk to you. Donovan: Nice to see you too. Steve: Tell us about—first of all, the name of the book is The Box That Changed the World—what is the box? Donovan: The box is ...

2022-02-14   British English
Human Beings & Dogs


Books and Arts. Book of Review. Human beings and dogs. Man’s best friend. Scientific research throws new light on a very old partnership. Dog Sense: How the New Science of Dog Behaviour Can Make Yo...

文艺 书评 人类和狗 人类最好的朋友 科学研究对这一古老的伙伴关系做出新的阐述 《狗的感官:对狗的习性的最新科学研究可使你与之更好地相处》。约翰·布拉德肖着。 人们和狗的关系算得上独一无二。在驯养动物中,只有狗...

2022-02-04   Pre-Intermediate
Story - A Jury of Her Peers


Martha Hale, like all good farmwives,like to finish any job she began.But when Sheriff Peters came into her kitchen that morning,she stopped mixing the flour for the bread she was making,grabbed her c...

2022-01-18   Intermediate
Tears & Other Traits That Make Us Human


Hey Chip. How are you? Chip: Great, great, I am doing well. How are you? Steve: Pretty good. Good to talk to you. The basic thing in the book is pretty obvious. We want you to talk about that a litt...

2022-01-18   Video
How Do We Measure the Distance to a Star


The closest stars to our solar system are about 4.3 light years away from Earth. But how do we know that distance? It seems like measuring a star’s distance should be impossible. It’s not like we ca...

2022-01-15   Pre-Intermediate
Here It Comes, There It Goes - Written by Margaret Haggard


I never thought that my clock,my beautiful old clock would make the town laugh at me,but it did.One day,two strangers came in and sat down."Welcome to my hotel," I said,and told them what they could h...

2022-01-09   British English
How to Make College Cheaper


Business.Schumpeter. How to make college cheaper. Better management would allow American universities to do more with less. DEREK BOK, a former president of Harvard, once observed that “universitie...

商业 熊彼特 怎样才能让大学更便宜一些 改善下管理就能让美国大学少花钱多办事 哈佛前校长德里克·博克曾经注意到,“大学与病态性赌徒和流亡皇族们有一个共同特征:永远没有足够的钱来满足他们的欲望。”这对于病态性赌徒和流亡皇族们...

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