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2022-07-07   Video
Planarian Regeneration and Stem Cells


One of the most intriguing uses of stem cells can be found in the field of regeneration. Whether the goal is to regenerate damaged heart or nerve cells or to regenerate an entire limb, ...

其中之一 最有趣的用途 的干细胞 在再生领域。 目标是否为 再生受损的心脏 或神经细胞或 再生整个肢体, 必须进行类似的过程。 受损的组织必须 倒带显影 / 调用可以 逆转他们的分化 或...

2022-07-03   Video
RNA Folding


When the nucleic acid is relieved of the constraint of being sort of lockstep with another strand in a double helix, it's free to take on all kinds of shapes because it can interact w...

当核酸 酸得到缓解 的约束 有点像 与另一股 在双螺旋中, 免费接受 各种形状 因为它可以交互 与自身的其他部分。 所以结构 RNA 可以达到 种类繁多, 有关订单的更多信息 的多肽或...

2022-06-29   Intermediate
About E. Coli – Part II


Zimmer: Another thing about E. coli is that to understand what it means for it to be alive is to understand how it's alive with other E. coli. For a long time, scientists just thought about E. coli ju...


2022-06-29   Video
Creating Embryonic Stem Cell Lines


The inner cell mass cells, which are going to be removed and grown in a Petri dish. We first remove the outer layer that would normally form the placenta. Here the cells are put into a...

内部 细胞团 / 哪些将被删除 并在培养皿中生长。 我们首先去掉外部的 层,该层通常会 形成胎盘。 以下是单元格 放入培养皿中。 通常有鼠标 初期玻璃纤维 在 it 的底部设置为 帮助细胞生长...

2022-06-27   Intermediate
About E. Coli – Part Ⅰ


Steve: E. coli is obviously fascinating we have, what did you say, we have about a billion of them in our bodies at any one time? But what the zest [possessed] you would [to] actually spend, however m...

Steve:大肠杆菌显然很迷人,你说什么,我们体内任何时候都有大约 10 亿个大肠杆菌?但是,无论你花了多少年时间,在大肠杆菌上写出多少字,你实际上会花多少热情呢? Zimmer:嗯,我记得有人带着一些担忧问我这个问题,答案很简单。我一直...

2022-06-25   Video
Differentiation and the Fate of Cells


Here we're going to go through quickly the early stages of development again. And then we're going to get to this stage when the germ layers are set aside. The three germ layers, the ...

我们来了 要通过 快速进入早期阶段 的再次发展。 然后我们就要走了 进入此阶段 当胚芽分层时 被搁置一旁。 三个胚层, 外胚层、中胚层、 和内胚层。 所以在这里你会看到 内部细胞团产生 ...

2022-06-24   British English
Electronic Education


Electronic education. Flipping the classroom. Hopes that the internet can improve teaching may at last be bearing fruit. THE 12-year-olds filing into Courtney Cadwell’s classroom at Egan Junior H...

电子教学 跃然于教室间 但愿互联网可以改善教学的希望终能修成正果 Egan初中坐落于硅谷郊外郁郁葱葱的洛斯拉图斯,那里12岁的孩子们选了考特尼·卡德威尔老师的课程,他们每个人都从手推车里拿一部白色笔记本电脑,然后登陆到网站...

2022-06-21   Intermediate
Searching for Intelligence


Steve: What, really, is intelligence? Zimmer: Well there are a lot of different ways of testing intelligence, and you can find them on IQ tests and other kinds of tests; and they tend to correlate to...

Steve:智能到底是什么? Zimmer:嗯,有很多不同的方法来测试智力,你可以在智商测试和其他类型的测试中找到它们;它们往往相互关联,因此在一项智力测试中得分相同的人在另一项测试中也会进行类似的测试,因此这些分数在某种程度上是联系在一...

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