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2022-11-16   Video
The Geologic Carbon Cycle


[SCHRAG:] OK. But that still doesn't really answer our question. It doesn't really explain how did Venus this get this way, why is Mars this way, and why has the Earth persisted in this...

[SCHRAG:] 好的。 但这仍然不是 真正回答我们的问题。 它并没有真正解释如何 维纳斯是不是会变成这样, 为什么火星会这样, 为什么地球会 坚持在这个 宜居区, 即使有 一直在波动 超过 ...

2022-11-12   Video
The Icefish Has Clear Blood


SEAN CARROLL: For life to survive, it must adapt and re-adapt to an ever-changing Earth. New traits and capabilities must be invented, while some traits may be lost. [SNAKE HISSING] ...

肖恩·卡罗尔:为了 生存的生命, 它必须适应和再适应 到一个不断变化的地球。 新特征和功能 必须被发明, 虽然某些特征可能会丢失。 [蛇嘶嘶声] 要看到最戏剧性的 这是如何发生的示例, 我们将遵循...

2022-11-08   Video
The Evolution of Lactose Tolerance


SPENCER WELLS: Only a small number of human beings live like this today. But from the time our species evolved some 200,000 years ago until the not-too-distant past, all of us lived as ...

斯宾塞·威尔斯:只有一个小 人数 今天就这样生活。 但从我们这个物种 进化到大约 200,000 年前 直到不太遥远 过去,我们所有人 以狩猎采集为生。 然后大约 10,000 多年前,人们 开始...

2022-11-04   Video
Stratigraphic Principles


JOHN SHEA: Those are nice principles. But let me give you a demonstration of this. Imagine if you will, that this is a depositive sediment. So this little ant farm-like deposit is an a...

JOHN SHEA:那些 都是很好的原则。 但是,让我给你一个 证明这一点。 想象一下,如果你愿意的话,那 这是一种阴性沉积物。 所以这只小蚂蚁 农场般的矿床 是一片古老的景观, 填充的景观 由史前人...

2022-10-31   Video
Regulation of Eukaryotic DNA Transcription


In eukaryotes, DNA transcription begins when general transcription factors bind to the promoter region of the gene. Those transcription factors facilitate the binding of the RNA polymerase enzyme to t...

在真核生物中,当一般转录因子与基因的启动子区域结合时,DNA 转录就开始了。这些转录因子促进 RNA 聚合酶与基因起始位置的结合。RNA 聚合酶需要被一种称为激活因子的转录因子激活。一些激活剂识别并结合启动子区附近的 DNA 调节区。其他激...

2022-10-27   Video
Viral Geometry and Structural Diversity


So shown here are three of some of my favorite viruses, I picked them for no apparent reason other than they look really cool. I've scaled them all to about the same size for easy viewing and despite ...


2022-10-23   Video
The Mosquito Life Cycle


Mosquitoes transmit many diseases among humans, including malaria, dengue, West Nile fever, and Zika. To keep mosquitoes from spreading disease, we must first understand their life cycle. The life cyc...

蚊子在人类中传播许多疾病,包括疟疾、登革热、西尼罗河热和寨卡病毒。为了防止蚊子传播疾病,我们必须首先了解它们的生命周期。蚊子的生命周期(就像许多其他昆虫一样)有四个阶段:卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫。 雌性蚊子在静水体上或附近产卵。一些物种喜欢...

2022-10-22   Pre-Intermediate
STORY - About a Place Called Gabrielle's


There are a hundred places in New York like Gabriel's.Up front is a small bar,in back there are a few booths and a half of dozen tables,the husband is the cook,and the wife takes care of the bar.It ha...

纽约有一百个像 Gabriel's 一样的地方。前面是一个小酒吧,后面有几个卡座和六张桌子,丈夫是厨师,妻子打理酒吧。它有一个名字,这是丈夫或妻子的名字,或者他们来自的城镇——Lois、Tony's、Estelle's、Maria's、Ca...

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