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2022-12-29   British English
The Best of Cities, the Worst of Cities


Books and Arts; London fiction. The best of cities, the worst of cities. The capital as inspiration for novelists. London is a “great cesspool” into which the loungers and idlers of life irresist...

文艺 伦敦小说 这是最好的城市 也是最坏的城市 首都伦敦 小说家灵感之源 亚瑟·柯南道尔在一集福尔摩斯故事中写道,伦敦是个“污水坑”,不可避免地集聚了游手好闲,无所事事的懒汉。但伦敦也是块相当肥沃的垃圾场,每一代小说家,每...

2022-12-26   Video
Reproductive Isolation and Speciation in Lizards


SPEAKER 1: Two groups of animals are defined as different species when individuals from one group don't mate and reproduce with those from the other. One way a species can split into two is for pop...

2022-12-22   Video
Mechanism of a Medication for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia


[SAWYERS:] BCR-ABL is a kinase. I want you to watch it change. It's flipping back and forth from an active to an inactive conformation. Now, we're looking at the skeleton and you see that lo...

2022-12-17   British English


Books and Arts; Book Review; New fiction; Rings of truth. Gold. By Chris Cleave. Novels about sport are notoriously hard to pull off. It seems somewhat odd for a literary mind to care how often a...

文艺 书评 新小说 真实的故事 《赤子之心》 克瑞斯·克里夫着 写一部关于体育运动的小说,显然是有难度的。让文学去关注一粒球怎样入网,冲刺终点需要多长时间,看起来多少有点奇怪。然而,事实也不尽然。古典文学所追求的叙述方式往...

2022-12-14   Video
The Life of Alfred Russel Wallace


ANDREW BERRY: Evolution by natural selection. This is an idea that has been sought after since the dawn of human thought. And it was a theory that was discovered by two people, and we've...

2022-12-10   Video
Malaria - Human Host


The malaria parasite is an ancient organism. It has been with us since before we were human. Famous victims include Alexander the Great Genghis Khan and George, Washington. The malaria lifecy...

2022-12-09   Pre-Intermediate
Rappaccini's Daughter - Ⅰ


Many years ago,a young man named Giovanni Guasconti left his home in Naples to study in northern Italy.He rented a small room on the top floor of a dark and ancient palace.Long ago, the building had b...

2022-12-06   Video
Malaria - Mosquito Host


[NARRATOR:] Mosquitoes are usually vegetarian, preferring to drink nectar, fruit juices, and honeydew. Only a pregnant mosquito will bite humans, seeking nutrients from blood to nourish he...

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