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2023-06-20   Video
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes


NARRATOR: Brazil late 2014. Doctors noticed a disturbing trend. An increasing number of babies who were born with abnormally small heads, a condition known as microcephaly. The spike...

2023-06-18   Video
Creating Chains and Webs to Model Ecological Relationships


“Creating Chains and Webs to Model Ecological Relationships” is a great hands-on activity that supports the short film The Guide, which is set in a savanna ecosystem of Gorongosa National Park...

2023-06-14   Video
Tagging Bumble Bees to Study Their Movements


CLAY BOLT: I love observing and photographing insects. Wild creatures can't speak for themselves, so I used my camera to tell their stories. Lately I've gotten interested in bumble bees. ...

2023-06-03   British English
Inequality in an Elitist Education System of South Korea - Ⅱ


The unfairness is all the more galling because of the fierce competition for jobs. This year there were 36 applicants for every job, up from 32 two years ago. Youth unemployment reached a record...

在激烈的就业竞争中的不公平现象更加令人痛心疾首。今年每份工作有36人申请,超过了两年前的32人。今年年初青年失业率达到了12%。 失意的年轻人们开始发声了。名为“隐藏袋”的组织发起了一场的“拒绝高考”的小型运动,试图说服人们抵制整个精...

2023-06-03   Pre-Intermediate
Story – The Whirligig of Life


Justice of the Peace Benaja Widdup sat in the doorway of his office smoking his pipe.The Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee rose blue-gray in the afternoon sky.A bird,a speckled hen,walked down the mai...

2023-06-02   Video
Monitoring Nipah Virus in Bat Populations


SPEAKER 1: Jon Epstein is a virus hunter. He chases viruses that can cause outbreaks of infectious diseases. JONATHAN EPSTEIN: Over the past 40 or 50 years, we have seen a real increase...

2023-06-01   British English
Inequality in an Elitist Education System of South Korea - Ⅰ


Asia. Inequality in South Korea. Degrees of disenchantment. Young people are losing faith in an elitist education system. “If you don't have the ability then blame your parents,” wrote Jung Yoo-r...

亚洲 韩国的不公平 觉醒的程度 韩国青年对精英教育失去信心 小柳女士在被一所知名大学录取后,2014年在社会媒体平台上这样写道:“你的无能都是因为你的父母”。原来,她的妈妈想方设法地让她进入了着名的梨花女子大学,并且让该大学为小...

2023-05-25   Video
Young Students Recognize a Transitional Fossil


Tiktaalik was headline news the day it was described, in 2006. And I remember going in to drop one of my kids off at the school. And the teacher asked me. He said, I read about your ...

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