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2023-07-20   Intermediate
Nobel Laureate and Molecular Biologist Peter Agre - Ⅳ


Steve: Secretary of Energy. Agre: That's right, Secretary of Energy, Nobel Laureate; John Holdren, presidential science advisor; Harold Varmus, Eric Lander of the President's Commit...

2023-07-18   Intermediate
Nobel Laureate and Molecular Biologist Peter Agre - Ⅲ


Steve: You seriously considered a Senate run, a United States Senate run. Agre: Well, I was serious. I'm not sure everybody else was serious. This was the Minnesota Senate seat occu...

2023-07-16   Intermediate
Nobel Laureate and Molecular Biologist Peter Agre - Ⅱ


Steve: But in that research you found that because you were very interdisciplinary you've talked to other people… Agre: It's called attention deficit. Steve: But you found...

2023-07-16   Video
Cystic Fibrosis Mechanism and Treatment


[NARRATOR:] A patient with cystic fibrosis is susceptible to infections of the lungs. This is due to a mutation that affects a protein on the surface of lung cells. Many different mutations ca...

2023-07-14   Intermediate
Nobel Laureate and Molecular Biologist Peter Agre - Ⅰ


Steve: First up, Peter Agre. He currently heads up the Malaria Research Institute at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and he won the Nobel for his discovery of the systems tha...

2023-07-13   Pre-Intermediate
Papa's Straw Hat Written by Fred Gipson


Papa was a rancher.He worked with horses.He was proud of the way he dressed.He always wore clean clothes, even when he worked.That is very difficult for a rancher who works outside on a horse farm.He ...

2023-07-05   Pre-Intermediate
America's Break with Britain Divides Families & Friends


On July fourth, seventeen seventy-six, the Second Continental Congress,meeting in Philadelphia,approved the Declaration of Independence.The new country, the United States of America,was at war with it...

2023-06-30   Video
Studying Elephant Communication


SPEAKER: Caitlin O'Connell has spent over 20 years observing how elephants interact and communicate. Her research takes place in Etosha National Park, Namibia. CAITLIN O'CONNELL: I've spent a lo...

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