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2022-11-04   Video
Stratigraphic Principles


JOHN SHEA: Those are nice principles. But let me give you a demonstration of this. Imagine if you will, that this is a depositive sediment. So this little ant farm-like deposit is an a...

2022-10-31   Video
Regulation of Eukaryotic DNA Transcription


In eukaryotes, DNA transcription begins when general transcription factors bind to the promoter region of the gene. Those transcription factors facilitate the binding of the RNA polymerase enzyme to t...

2022-10-27   Video
Viral Geometry and Structural Diversity


So shown here are three of some of my favorite viruses, I picked them for no apparent reason other than they look really cool. I've scaled them all to about the same size for easy viewing and despite ...

2022-10-23   Video
The Mosquito Life Cycle


Mosquitoes transmit many diseases among humans, including malaria, dengue, West Nile fever, and Zika. To keep mosquitoes from spreading disease, we must first understand their life cycle. The life cyc...

2022-10-19   Video
The Chemical Structure of DNA


This is a 3D model of a DNA molecule. It is made up of two strands that form a double helix. If we unwind the helix, we can see that each strand is a chain of building blocks called nucleotides. Le...

2022-10-15   Video
Dengue Virus Life Cycle


Dengue virus is an RNA virus. Its outer surface is covered with envelope proteins surrounding a lipid bilayer envelope. Inside the envelope is a capsid shell that contains the virus’s RNA genome. Immu...

2022-10-11   Video
Structure of Dengue Virus


Alright so now we're going to go into a little bit more detail on Dengue virus since it's once the subjects of our talk today. If you rotate it very carefully, I'm going to highlight for you the penta...

2022-10-07   Video
Lactose Digestion in Infants


Like all young mammals, human infants depend on milk for nutrition. Milk is rich in lactose, a disaccharide made from two sugar molecules. Lactose cannot be directly absorbed in the small intestine. T...

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