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2022-12-09   Pre-Intermediate
Rappaccini's Daughter - Ⅰ


Many years ago,a young man named Giovanni Guasconti left his home in Naples to study in northern Italy.He rented a small room on the top floor of a dark and ancient palace.Long ago, the building had b...

2022-10-22   Pre-Intermediate
STORY - About a Place Called Gabrielle's


There are a hundred places in New York like Gabriel's.Up front is a small bar,in back there are a few booths and a half of dozen tables,the husband is the cook,and the wife takes care of the bar.It ha...

2022-08-27   Pre-Intermediate
STORY - A Princess of Mars - Ⅳ


The huge green warrior Tars Tarkas came slowly toward me with his thin sword.I backed away.I did not want to fight him.I did not wish his death.He had been as kind to me as a green Martian can be.As I...

2022-08-09   Pre-Intermediate
The Little Match Girl


‘Matches! Light your fires with my matches! Would you like to buy some matches sir? What about you madam? They are the best kind! Strike them against any wall! They will burn! Someone must want some m...

2022-07-30   Pre-Intermediate
STORY - A Princess of Mars - Ⅲ


Another of the large air ships exploded high in the air.Members of the crew fell to the ground.The huge ship lost control and began turning again and again.Soon it was close to the ground.The warriors...

2022-07-10   Pre-Intermediate
STORY - A Princess of Mars - Ⅱ


The creature with the spear was huge.There were many other similar creatures.They had ridden behind me on the backs of large animals.Each of them carried a collection of strange-looking weapons.The on...

2022-06-16   Pre-Intermediate
Angst for the Educated


Angst for the educated. A university degree no longer confers financial security. MILLIONS of school-leavers in the rich world are about to bid a tearful goodbye to their parents and start a new l...

大学毕业生的担忧 大学学历已经不再保证金融安全 发达国家数百万的高中毕业生将要含泪告别他们的父母,开始新的大学生活。有些人被纯粹热爱学习鼓舞着。但是大部分人同样相信在大学待三、四年,虽然在这个过程中累积了大量的债务,但他们获得高...

2022-06-12   Pre-Intermediate
STORY - A Princess of Mars - Ⅰ


I am a very old man.How old I do not know.It is possible I am a hundred,maybe more.I cannot tell because I have never aged as other men do.So far as I can remember,I have always been a man of about th...

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