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2022-07-16   Pre-Intermediate
Community-based Tourism


A bird’s cry fills the night air. It is a sound that local people know well. And it fills them with fear. It belongs to an owl. This large bird sleeps during the day. And at night, it begins to hunt. ...

2022-07-15   Intermediate
‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’


Derrickson: The original was 57 years ago and a lot of the elements of it, you know, needed to be updated for modern audiences and modern audience expectations and that sort of thing; but it is still ...

2022-07-14   Pre-Intermediate
Learn About Bonobos


A new genetic map of the bonobo shows just how close these endangered creatures are to human beings.The map also shows how genetically close both bonobos and humans are to chimpanzees.Chimpanzees and ...

2022-06-28   British English
Rambunctious Garden


Nature conservation. The constant gardener. Rambunctious Garden: Saving Nature in a Post-Wild World. By Emma Marris. WHEN the Scottish-born American naturalist, John Muir, encountered a pristine ...

保护自然 永恒的守护者 《喧闹的花园:在人类统领的世界里保护自然》 作者:艾玛·马里斯。 当年,苏格兰裔的美国自然主义者约翰·缪尔邂逅了一片原生态荒原。那里的山峰高高耸立,直入云霄,松林间鸟儿浅唱低吟,溪流里鱼儿繁衍生息,见此美好...

2022-06-18   British English
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle


Theatre. Dreams within dreams. A haunting vision of Haruki Murakami’s “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle”. ADAPTING a novel for the stage requires courage, vision and a spirit that refuses to kowtow to ...

戏剧 梦中梦 村上春树《奇鸟行状录》萦绕于人心的影像 将一本小说搬上舞台需要勇气、见识以及拒绝向原作者卑躬屈膝的精神。没有几本小说能像村上春树的《奇鸟行状录》——洋洋洒洒六百多页对恐惧的超现实主义且难以处理的探索——一样难以被改...

2022-06-09   Video
Stickleback Fish Environment


So during the Ice Age, these huge sheets covering lots of land mass. Ice was incredibly thick, so mile-wide thicknesses of ice piled on top of land. And then the Earth starts to warm. ...

2022-05-22   Video
The Gulf Stream Explained


The ocean conveyor belt and the Gulf Stream. Ocean currents have a direct influence on our lives. They determine our weather, our climate, and much more. The ocean currents and wind system...

2022-05-18   Intermediate
Banana - The Fate of the Fruit that Changed the World


Steve: Hi Dan. Great to talk to you today. Koeppel: Hi Steve. Thanks for having me. Steve: It's my pleasure. You say in your book that you've became a bit of a banana obsessive, so why don't you tel...

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