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2023-03-07   Pre-Intermediate
The Corn Maze


The corn is as high as an elephant's eye at the Denver Botanic Garden's demonstration farm.The tall green plants in this three and one-half hectare field are filled with ripening ears of corn.They wil...

2023-03-04   Video
Tracking Lion Recovery in Gorongosa National Park


Gorongosa National Park was famous for its lion population back in the 1970s, but then a civil war broke out in Mozambique, decimating most of the wildlife. In 2008, a massive ecosystem...

2023-03-03   British English
The Start of the Universe


Cosmology. Man suddenly sees the start of the universe. The quest to understand reality takes a great leap backwards. In The beginning was the word and the word was “inflation”. That is no blasp...

宇宙学 秘宇宙的起源 科学新突破——探索宇宙诞生之初的真相 宇宙初始皆起源于“膨胀”二字。与其说这是对神明的亵渎,不如说是人类对于宇宙奥秘求知若渴、精密巧思和坚持不懈的颂扬。没有人能知晓宇宙是如何从无到有的。相信神创世论的人们可...

2023-02-24   Video
See the Beautiful Color of Rare Birds from Every Angle and in 3D


Birds do color in so many different ways,you have the blues and purples and the iridescences of hummingbirds. Meanwhile, the yellows reds and oranges and so what this project is going to do is basica...

2023-02-06   Intermediate
The Museo Galileo


Galluzzi: Paolo Galluzzi, director of the Institute and Museum of the History of Science, which is going to [become] the Museo Galileo very soon. Graber: And why this switch from th...

2023-01-18   Pre-Intermediate
Minnesota State Fair Held Giant Sing Along


The northern state of Minnesota is home to one of the nation's largest and oldest state fairs.It has farm animals,home-made foods, carnival rides and,for the second summer, a Giant Sing Along.Children...

2023-01-02   Pre-Intermediate
NY Museum Showed Crawling with Spiders


What has eight legs,comes in forty-three thousand species and has a serious public image problem? If you said a spider, you are right!The spider family has lived on Earth for about three hundred milli...

2022-12-24   Intermediate
Christmas Season Science


Steve: Let's talk about a few of those to help prepare our listeners for the coming holiday and/or family onslaught. Hopkin: Sounds good. So one of the stories is, you know, families have a tradition...

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