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2022-01-11   Pre-Intermediate
Girl Scouts Celebrated Birthday on the National Mall


We also play some break-up songs that you wrote to say were your favorites.But first,we visit with some American Girl Scouts celebrating the hundredth anniversary of their organization.(MUSIC)Girl Sco...

我们还播放了一些你写的分手歌,说你最喜欢的歌。但首先,我们拜访了一些庆祝其组织成立 100 周年的美国女童子军。(音乐)上周末,来自美国各地的女童子军齐聚华盛顿,庆祝该组织成立 100 周年。组织者表示,超过 20 万人参加了庆祝活动。每个...

2021-12-28   Pre-Intermediate
The ‘Jaipur Foot’


“Look at his funny ear!” These words made little Wyatt Mowray want to cry. A crowd of children surrounded him. They would often say horrible things like this. They would speak very loudly and ask h...

“看看他那只滑稽的耳朵!” 这句话让小怀亚特·莫雷想哭。一群孩子围着他。他们经常会说这样可怕的话。他们会大声说话,问他是否能听到他们在说什么。 怀亚特和其他孩子不同。他出生时只有一只正常的耳朵。另一个非常小。它的形状不是自然的。...

2021-12-13   Intermediate
Well-Read Doctors


Hey John. How are you doing? Rennie: Hi Steve; just fine, Thanks. Steve: So, we're going to get to the single topic issue in a moment, but first tell everybody about your weekend; you had an interes...

嘿,约翰。你好吗? Rennie:嗨,Steve;很好,谢谢。 Steve:所以,我们稍后将进入单个主题问题,但首先要告诉大家您的周末情况;你度过了一个有趣的周末。 Rennie:是的,我记得。我和我的妻子詹妮弗 (Jennifer)...

2021-12-12   Pre-Intermediate
It is Possible for Enemies to Become Friends


Imagine someone you love is the victim of a murder - a close family member for example. For years you think bad things about the murderer. You cannot forgive him. Then, one day, you are invited to mee...

想象一下,你爱的人是一起谋杀案的受害者 - 例如,一个亲密的家庭成员。多年来,你一直对凶手有坏话。你不能原谅他。然后,有一天,你被邀请去见这个杀手。你必须面对他。你得跟他谈谈。 嗯,这件事发生了 - 2006 年 3 月在爱尔兰。爱尔...

2021-12-09   Intermediate
The Interplanetary Bicycle Ride


"The Expert Mind"; and so let me ask you this: How do I get to Carnegie Hall? Phil: Well practice, practice, practice is the standard answer, and a lot of people have thought it was not quite true. T...

“专家思维”;所以让我问你一个问题:我怎么去卡内基音乐厅? Phil:嗯,练习,练习是标准答案,很多人认为这并不完全正确。他们认为人才发挥了作用——他们可能是对的,很难反驳这个假设——但目前的信念似乎是——在研究专业知识的人中,专业知识方...

2021-12-08   Pre-Intermediate
How to Make Eco-footprints Smaller


When I moved to a new home, I planted a garden. In my garden I planted many colorful flowers and vegetables. I cared for my garden. I poured water on it and pulled out all the bad plants. My garden gr...


2021-12-02   Pre-Intermediate
The Earthbox


Today, we tell about an American farmer and an unusual device he developed.For twenty years,people around the world have been buying his invention.(MUSIC)Blake Whisenant and his family are farmers.The...

今天,我们来谈谈一位美国农民和他开发的一种不寻常的设备。二十年来,世界各地的人们一直在购买他的发明。(音乐)Blake Whisenant 和他的家人是农民。近一百年来,Whisenant 先生的家人种植水果和蔬菜,并将其出售给世界各地的企...

2021-11-22   Pre-Intermediate
Abandoned Children


Tanya is a three and a half year old girl. She has never played with another child. She has only been outside one or two times in her whole life. Masha is six. She is quiet, but kind. She has light...

Tanya 是一个三岁半的女孩。她从来没有和别的孩子一起玩过。她一生中只出门一两次。 玛莎 6 岁。她很安静,但很善良。她有一头浅金色的头发和一双蓝色的大眼睛。 Dima 是一个非常害羞和安静的五岁孩子。他和他的弟弟独自在医院度...

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