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2022-02-10   British English
Compulsive Online Behaviour


Addicted? Really? The internet: Mental-health specialists disagree over whether to classify compulsive online behaviour as addiction—and how to treat it. CRAIG SMALLWOOD, a disabled American war v...

上瘾了?真的? 互联网:强迫性上网行为是否是网瘾,该如何治疗?心理健康专家对此说法不一 克莱格·斯莫尔伍德是美国一位残疾退伍军人,五年中有20,000个小时都泡在网上,沉浸在一个叫做“天堂II”的线上角色扮演游戏中。当韩国游戏开...

2022-01-31   Pre-Intermediate
Vinyl Records Making Something of a Comeback


When Americans buy music today,it is usually in the form of MP3s or CDs.But years ago,record albums were made on black circles made of the plastic material called vinyl.Christopher Cruise tells about ...

今天美国人购买音乐时,通常是 MP3 或 CD 的形式,但几年前,唱片专辑是用称为黑胶唱片的塑料材料制成的黑色圆圈制作的。克里斯托弗·克鲁斯 (Christopher Cruise) 讲述了最近在华盛顿附近举行的一场庆祝过去的黑胶唱片媒体的...

2022-01-30   Intermediate
The Truth About Online Dating


Hi Dr. Epstein, how are you today? Epstein: Good Steve. How are you? Steve: I am okay! So, tell me about online dating. How did you get so interested in this subject, first of all? Epstein: Well, p...

您好,Epstein 博士,您今天怎么样? 爱泼斯坦:好史蒂夫。你好吗? Steve:我没事!那么,跟我说说网上约会吧。首先,您是怎么对这个主题如此感兴趣的? Epstein:嗯,可能是因为我在网上约会了。这让我非常好奇。然后我了解到...

2022-01-27   British English
A History of Dieting Over 2000 Years


Books and Arts. Book Review. A history of dieting. Binge and purge; Calories and Corsets: A History of Dieting Over 2000 Years. By Louise Foxcroft. After the binge of the holidays, many stumble int...

文艺;书评;节食的历史;狂欢和清理; 《卡路里和束身衣:2000年来的节食历史》 Lousise Foxcroft 着。 在假日的狂欢之后,许多人宿醉,下着不坚定的决心,立志要减去数磅体重,在跌跌撞撞中进入了一月。哎呀,少有人会...

2022-01-26   Intermediate
TV Of Tomorrow


Hi, Michael how are you? Antonoff: I’m pretty good Steve. Steve: Tell us the difference first of all between digital television and high-definition television. Antonoff: High-definition television ...

嗨,Michael,您好吗? Antonoff:Steve,我很好。 Steve:首先告诉我们数字电视和高清电视之间的区别。 Antonoff:高清电视是数字电视的一个子集。它需要更多的带宽。它需要一个更好的显示器来看到它,需要一个更...

2022-01-25   Pre-Intermediate
Millennium Development Goals


Fatima lives in a small village in Angola. She had to walk four hours every day to collect water. And the water was not even clean. Some children in the village became sick after drinking it. Kaima...

法蒂玛住在安哥拉的一个小村庄。她每天必须步行四个小时来取水。而且水甚至不干净。村里的一些孩子喝了它后生病了。 Kaima 十二岁了。她住在印度拉贾斯坦邦的沙漠地区。她是家里第一个学习如何阅读和写作的女性。Kaima 想成为一名飞行员。...

2022-01-21   Pre-Intermediate
School Uniforms


Some wear blue. Some wear green. Some wear skirts. Others wear pants. What are we talking about? School uniforms! Children all over the world wear special clothes to school. Uniforms ma...

有些人穿蓝色衣服。 有些人穿绿色衣服。 有些人穿着裙子。 其他人则穿裤子。 我们在谈论什么? 校服!世界各地的孩子都穿着特别的衣服上学。校服使学校的所有孩子看起来都一样。有些人认为,让孩子穿同样的衣服上学是件好...

2022-01-13   Pre-Intermediate
Rugby World Cup 2007


England, 1823. Some boys are playing football. They run around the grass next to some large red stone buildings. This is one of the most famous schools in the country - Rugby School. One of the boys t...

英格兰,1823 年。一些男孩在踢足球。他们在一些大型红石建筑旁边的草地上跑来跑去。这是该国最着名的学校之一 - 橄榄球学校。其中一个男孩把球抱在怀里。他没有像他应该的那样用脚踢球。他向前跑向球门。其他男孩对他大喊大叫——他们让他停下来。但...

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