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2022-03-03   Intermediate
Mark Twain - Fossil Hunter & Science Writer


Mark Twain. Before I play my conversation—with Dr. Pratt that is—it'll be helpful to hear this Mark Twain essay; I hope amusing as well. It was written in 1903. It's kind of a paleontological and anti...

2022-03-02   Pre-Intermediate
World Mental Health Day


“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. It is not just the lack of disease or weakness.” This is how the World Health Organization defines health. The WHO believes th...

2022-02-26   Pre-Intermediate
The Marmaray Project in Istanbul


One hundred and fifty [150] years ago the Sultan leader of Istanbul, Turkey had an idea. Istanbul is a city divided by water. One side is on the Asian continent. And the other side is on the European ...

2022-02-24   Pre-Intermediate
The US - Life in the 1950s


Imagine a time machine.You've just climbed into it for the purpose of visiting the United States - in the nineteen-fifties.What would you expect to find?In the nineteen fifties,America was a nation wh...

2022-02-20   Pre-Intermediate
The History of Ballet


Ballet is a formalized kind of dance performance with a rich and interesting history.The word "ballet" comes from the French language,and is based on the Italian word"balletto.""Balletto" means a litt...

2022-02-18   Pre-Intermediate
Nile Perch


What are you wearing on your feet right now? Maybe you are wearing plastic summer shoes. Or maybe you are wearing soft shoes made of cloth. Are you wearing strong leather shoes made from animal skin? ...

2022-02-10   British English
Compulsive Online Behaviour


Addicted? Really? The internet: Mental-health specialists disagree over whether to classify compulsive online behaviour as addiction—and how to treat it. CRAIG SMALLWOOD, a disabled American war v...

上瘾了?真的? 互联网:强迫性上网行为是否是网瘾,该如何治疗?心理健康专家对此说法不一 克莱格·斯莫尔伍德是美国一位残疾退伍军人,五年中有20,000个小时都泡在网上,沉浸在一个叫做“天堂II”的线上角色扮演游戏中。当韩国游戏开...

2022-01-31   Pre-Intermediate
Vinyl Records Making Something of a Comeback


When Americans buy music today,it is usually in the form of MP3s or CDs.But years ago,record albums were made on black circles made of the plastic material called vinyl.Christopher Cruise tells about ...

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