Among the southern colonies,the northernmost was Maryland.The king of England, Charles the First,gave the land between Virginia and Pennsylvania to George Calvert in sixteen thirty-two. George Calvert...
Experts believe the first potato vegetable plants grew about seven thousand years ago. These first potatoes grew in the Andes Mountains in South America. The ancient people there, the Incas, had pa...
The piece of paper raises an ages-old question about Jesus, whose life and teachings form the heart of Christianity.Could Jesus have been married?Harvard Divinity School Professor Karen King recently ...
“Everybody is talking about our situation. Today a village man came up to one of the Brothers... He asked him when we will stop praying for our six missing friends... We believe the authorities are ke...
It happened seventeen hundred years ago, in Rome. The story says that he was in prison for being a Christian. He performed marriages even though they were illegal. The government captured him and put ...
Rick Hoyt was born in 1962. But when he was born something went wrong. His brain did not receive enough oxygen. This damaged his brain. Doctors thought baby Rick would not live long. If Rick did live,...
A man stands in a busy shopping centre. People walk by him quickly. There are all kinds of people: rich, poor, young, and old. They are men, women, and children. The man is holding a large sign. The s...
Imagine a baby boy. Let’s call him Manuel. Manuel is born in a poor area of Mexico. He is his parent’s third child. Manuel’s mother has been tired a lot during her pregnancy. But she has been working ...
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