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2024-06-28   Intermediate
Why Major Meal Kit Companies Lose 90% of Customers in a Year


(upbeat music) - [Narrator] Meal kit companies set out to disrupt grocery stores and change the way we cook at home. Now, there's 382 of them in the US, a 300% increase from a decade ag...

2024-06-27   British English
America's Economic Vigour Keeps the Inflation Threat Alive, Part 1


Finance and economics. Unstoppable momentum. Still energized. America's extraordinary economic vigour keeps the inflation threat alive. At some point American economic growth will disappoint e...

财经 势不可挡 活力依旧 美国非同寻常的经济活力让通胀威胁继续存在。 在某一时刻,美国的经济增长将令人失望。然而,就目前而言,美国2023年的经济表现似乎与前几年大致相同,又一次出现了超出预期的扩张。最近的数据显示,美国经济...

2024-06-25   British English
The World Economy has Entered a Era of the Hermit Consumer, Part 2


Firms are noticing the $600bn shift. In a recent earnings call an executive at Darden Restaurants, which runs one of America’s finest restaurant chains, Olive Garden, noted that, relative to pre-co...


2024-06-23   British English
The World Economy has Entered a Era of the Hermit Consumer, Part 1


Finance and economics. Apart, together. The world economy has entered a new era, that of the hermit consumer. In some ways covid-19 was a blip. After soaring in 2020, unemployment across the ...

财经 一起分开生活 世界经济进入了一个新时代:隐居消费时代。 在某些方面,新冠肺炎只是暂时性的问题。富裕国家的失业率在2020年飙升后,又迅速降至大流行前的低点。各国GDP也很快恢复到了疫情前的水平。然而,在封控解除两年多后,至...

2024-06-21   British English
Investors Begin to Accept that High Borrowing Costs are Here to Stay


Finance and economics. Cruel world. Investors begin to accept that high borrowing costs are here to stay. According to T.S. Eliot, April is the cruellest month. Shareholders would disagree. ...

财经 残酷世界 投资者开始接受高借贷成本将持续存在的事实 T. S. 艾略特说,四月是最残酷的月份。股东们不会同意。对他们而言,最残酷的月份是九月。每年九月之后,股市往往会上涨。自1928年以来,美国标准普尔500指数股票的月度...

2024-06-20   Intermediate
Why Sweetgreen Is Losing Millions of Dollars Every Month


- [Narrator] This Sweetgreen salad starts at 14.95. Add avocado and it goes to 16.95. But even as it's sold millions of these bowls to customers, Sweetgreen has been losing millions of dol...

2024-06-19   British English
What does AI Mean for your pay, Part Two


Customer service offers more difficult terrain for AI. Firms have been trying to automate it for years. Thus far they have mostly just annoyed customers. Who doesn't try to game the chatbot i...


2024-06-17   British English
What does AI Mean for your pay, Part One


Finance and economics. What does AI mean for your pay? A dispatch from the front line of an economic revolution. Around a decade ago Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne, two economists, ...

财经 人工智能对你的工资意味着什么? 从经济革命前线发来的消息。 大约十年前,两位经济学家卡尔·贝内迪克特·弗雷和迈克尔·奥斯本发表了一篇论文,这篇论文在网上被疯传。论文称,47%的美国工作岗位面临被自动化的风险。随后出现了...

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