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2024-07-11   British English
America's Credit Unions are Exposed to a Consequence of Higher Rates


Finance and economics. Death valley. America's credit unions are exposed to a nasty consequence of higher rates. The federal reserve's interest-rate rises are causing pain in the land of casinos: ...

财经 死亡谷 美国信用社面临高利率带来的恶劣后果 美联储加息给赌城带来了痛苦:内华达州比其他任何州都有更多的人在谷歌上搜索如何退还(断供的)汽车。然而,尽管他们痛苦不堪,但并不孤苦伶仃。在全美,拖欠还款至少60天的高风险汽车借款人所占...

2024-07-09   British English
The Euro-zone Economy Looks to be Heading for Trouble, Part 2


Gloom is now spreading across the continent. The global economy is weakening, and order books have plenty of blank pages. State support for households is also running out. Retail energy price...

全球经济正在走弱,订单簿上有大量的空白页。国家对家庭的支持也正在耗尽。能源零售价格仍高于去年危机前的水平,实际收入尚未恢复。采购经理指数调查显示,8月份服务业活动收缩。该行业正处于两年半以来的最低水平。 正如欧洲央行政策制定者所希望的...

2024-07-08   Intermediate
Why Primark Is Thriving While Retailers Like Forever 21 Are Closing


- [Narrator] Let's say you wanted to buy this Primark T-shirt. If you're shopping on Primark's website, you'll quickly discover that you can't. (buzzer dings) Over the past 10 years, ...

2024-07-07   British English
The Euro-zone Economy Looks to be Heading for Trouble, Part 1


Finance and economics. Brace for impact. The Euro-zone economy increasingly looks to be heading for trouble. Europe’s summer was a strange mixture of heavy rainfall and wildfires. The continen...

财经 准备迎接冲击 欧元区经济看起来越来越有可能陷入困境。 欧洲的夏天是暴雨和野火的奇异混合。欧洲大陆的经济也受到极端情况的困扰。通胀依然火热:与去年同期相比,8月份的物价上涨了5.3%。阴云密布的增长前景让官员们日益感到担忧。...

2024-07-05   British English
Generative AI is about to Transform the Global Economy, Part 2


Surely, with the AI excitement, spending on information technologies is at least soaring? Not quite. In the third quarter of 2023 American firms' investment in "information-processing equipment ...

当然,在人工智能的刺激下,信息技术方面的支出至少会飙升?不一定。2023年第三季度,美国企业在“信息处理设备和软件”上的投资同比下降了0.4%。类似的趋势在世界各地都可以看到。 根据富国俱乐部经合组织的国民账户数据,截至2023年第三...

2024-07-03   British English
Generative AI is about to Transform the Global Economy, Part 1


Finance and economics. The missing investment boom. Perhaps AI is a busted flush. Perhaps the revolution will just take time. Many economists believe that generative artificial intelligence (AI) ...

财经 消失的投资热潮 或许人工智能的热潮失败了,或许这场革命只是需要时间。 许多经济学家认为,生成性人工智能即将改变全球经济。纪元研究公司的艾格·厄迪尔和塔梅·贝斯洛格鲁去年发表的一篇论文认为,在人工智能可以广泛地替代人类劳...

2024-07-01   British English
Investors are Paying more Attention to the World’s Safest Assets


Finance and economics. Forget the Fed. Investors are paying more attention than ever to the world’s safest assets. Regular and predictable. That has been the golden rule of Treasury issuance for...

财经 忘掉美联储 投资者比以往更加关注世界上最安全的资产。 有规律的和可预测的。40年来,这一直是美国国债发行的黄金法则。美国的财政部门曾经通过“战术性”债券出售来筹集资金。官员们会对市场参与者进行调查,并据此发行债券。但事实证...

2024-06-29   British English
America's Economic Vigour Keeps the Inflation Threat Alive, Part 2


What makes the growth all the more striking is that it has come at the same time as inflation has receded. The Fed's preferred measure of inflation-the personal consumption expenditure (PCE) price ...


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