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2024-09-27   British English
AI may Drive a Boom in Musical Creativity, Part One


In the dystopia of George Orwell's novel "1984", Big Brother numbs the masses with the help of a "versificator", a machine designed to automatically generate the lyrics to popular tunes, thereby riddi...

乔治·奥威尔的小说《1984》以反乌托邦世界为背景,其中的“老大哥”通过“诗化器”麻痹大众(“诗化器”是一种自动生成流行歌曲歌词的机器),从而抹杀了人类的创造力。 如今,许多人工智能(AI)模型都在大量生成粗制滥造的音乐,有些是免费的...

2024-09-26   Intermediate
The Changes in How Americans Buy Cars


- All right, I think we found one. - [Narrator] This is Adam Lee. He's the chairman of Lee Auto Malls, which owns 16 dealerships in Maine. - That's used. Used. Used, used. - [Narr...

- 好吧,我想我们找到了一个。 - [旁白] 我是 Adam Lee。 他是 Lee Auto Malls 的董事长, 该公司在缅因州拥有 16 家经销商。 - 那是用的。 使用。 二手,二手。 -...

2024-09-25   British English
Japan Ends the Monetary-policy Experiment, Part 2


The missing piece of the puzzle had been wages. Last year annual wage negotiations produced gains of 3.8%, the highest in three decades. But wage growth still trailed inflation, leaving real inc...


2024-09-23   British English
Japan Ends the Monetary-policy Experiment, Part 1


Finance and economics. Fighting inflation. Interesting times. Japan ends the world's greatest monetary-policy experiment. On March 19th officials at the Bank of Japan (BOJ) announced that, wit...

财经 抗击通胀 有趣的利率时代 日本结束了世界上最大型的货币政策实验。 3月19日,日本央行的官员宣布,随着2%的可保持通胀率“近在眼前”,将取消一系列旨在将经济从通货紧缩的低迷状态中拉出来的措施,这标志着一项激进实验的结束...

2024-09-22   Intermediate
GM Bets On Its Batteries In First Electric Cadillac


(pensive music) - [Mike] This is the 2023 Cadillac LYRIQ. Not only is the LYRIQ General Motors' first all-electric Cadillac, the vehicle represents the beginning of a major strategic s...

(沉思的音乐) - [Mike] 这是 2023 款凯迪拉克 LYRIQ。 不仅 LYRIQ 通用汽车的 第一辆全电动凯迪拉克, 车辆代表着开始 重大战略 公司转变。 - 凯迪拉克需要改变。 - ...

2024-09-21   British English
An Economist's Guide to the Luxury-handbag Market, Part 2


To help overcome situations like this, it helps to have independent third parties who are able to adjudicate quality. It is often easier to sell a used car to a mechanic or a dealer, for instance, ...

为了解决这样的情况,有能够评判质量的独立第三方是有帮助的。例如,将一辆二手车卖给机械师或经销商往往更容易,他们之后能向不太懂车的买家提供担保。 许多奢侈品牌在出售手提包时会提供保真卡,这样顾客就可以证明他们购买的包是真的。检查这种和其...

2024-09-20   Video
Why Tokyo's Metro Is Profitable and New York City’s Isn’t


(light music) - [Narrator] Japan's train system ranked by Statista is the most efficient in the world. The U.S. though is far behind. It's tied for 11th best. Roughly 15 million people...

(轻音乐) - [旁白] 日本的火车系统排名 由 Statista 是最 在世界上高效。 不过,美国远远落后。 它并列第 11 位。 大约有 1500 万人乘坐地铁 每天在日本的首都, 每天增加约...

2024-09-19   British English
An Economist's Guide to the Luxury-handbag Market, Part 1


Finance and economics. Free exchange. I love your bag! Thanks, it's a lemon. An economist's guide to the luxury-handbag market. You could spot a fake a mile off. The plasticky "Prado" wallets...

财经 自由交换 我喜欢你的包包! 谢谢,这是个柠檬包。 一位经济学家对奢侈手提包市场的指南。 曾经你在一英里开外就能认出假货。在纽约坚尼街两旁的人行道上,摆放在床单上的塑料“普拉多”钱包与苏豪区普拉达专卖店出售的钱包只...

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