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2022-03-08   British English
An Effort to Abolish a Highly Unusual Californian City


United States. Small-town corruption. Business paradise or den of thieves? An effort to abolish a highly unusual Californian city. EVEN Vernon’s logo proclaims that the city is “exclusively indus...

美国 小镇腐败 商业天堂还是贼窝? 消除一座特别另类之加州城市的努力 即便弗农市的标志上宣称本市“专事工业”,这种说法也并未言过其实。1905年,该市创建于洛杉矶河沿岸的一处铁路线交汇处,人们将此地作为某种商业(尤其是又脏...

2022-03-06   British English
US's Preschool Funding - Toddle to The Top


United States. Preschool funding. Toddle to the top. Cash-strapped states cut funding for nurseries. LILY, who is three-and-a-half, loves her nursery school in Queens. Her mother calls her “the s...

美国 学前教育经费 走到了头 资金短缺的州政府削减了对托儿所的经费 莉莉,一个三岁半的小女孩,爱她的位于纽约皇后区的托儿所。她妈妈 叫她“海绵宝宝”,因为每天她都带着一些新的知识回家。但并不是每个小孩都像莉莉那么幸运。一份美国国...

2022-02-28   British English
The Effects of America's Worst Property Crash


The effects of America's worst property crash go very wide. TO THE many dubious distinctions of Las Vegas, add one more: foreclosure capital of America. According to RealtyTrac, a property-listings...

房地产崩盘连锁效应,情况还能更坏? 拉斯维加斯的诸多不安因素又添了一个:取消住宅赎回权的资本。根据房地产上市公司RealtyTrac,去年城中每十座住宅就有一所被取消赎回权,几乎是全国平均水平的五倍。在北拉斯维加斯相对贫穷的郊区,这个...

2022-02-18   British English
Britain, Budget


This was not the radical reforming budget it had been billed as. But its heart was in the right place “THIS is not a tax-raising budget. But nor can we afford a giveaway.” Thus George Osborne, the ...

虽不如它所标榜的“激进的、革新的预算”,但其动机还是积极的。 “这不是一个增税的计划,但我们也负担不起减税了。”在3月23日,现任英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本,提出了他的第二套财政紧缩预算。早在去年六月奥斯本的紧急减赤预案中,已经全面地回顾...

2022-02-06   British English
Living with Radiation


Asia. Coping with Japan's nuclear disaster. Living with radiation. A spreading cloud of economic and human costs. A PEN-LIKE dosimeter hangs around the neck of Katsunobu Sakurai, the tireless ma...

亚洲 应对日本核灾难 与辐射共生 经济和民众开销忧虑蔓延开来 形似钢笔的放射量测量器戴在樱井胜延的脖子上,这位不知疲倦的南相马市市长正在测量他在过去两周中吸收的累积辐射量,而核噩梦已经持续四个周了。测量器显示的43毫...

2022-01-29   British English
How Much Longer Can America Keep Increasing Productivity


Business. American business. Hard times, lean firms. How much longer can America keep increasing productivity? EVERYONE complains that corporate America is reluctant to hire additional workers. ...

商业 美国公司 艰难时局磨练高效能企业 美国的生产率增长还能持续多久? 企业不愿再增加雇佣量在美国引起民怨沸腾。但很少有人关注减少失业率的有效途径:显着提升美国的劳动生产率水平。 这种提升能持续多久?包装材料制...

2022-01-23   Pre-Intermediate
The Trends in Couponing in the US


As the American economy continues to struggle,a growing number of people are seeking ways to save on household expenses.One way is collecting and redeeming coupons when they shop for goods and service...

随着美国经济继续陷入困境,越来越多的人正在寻求节省家庭开支的方法。一种方法是在他们购买商品和服务时收集和兑换优惠券。优惠券已经存在了 125 年。本周,我们来看看美国优惠券的流行趋势,后来,我们了解了一位雕刻蛋壳的艺术家,以及一种流行的让人...

2022-01-21   British English
Smaller Is More Beautiful


United States. Other Shrinking Cities. Smaller Is More Beautiful. Many other cities are battling problems almost as acute as Detroit’s. THE five kinds of heirloom tomatoes on Joanna Lehrma...

美国 其他萎缩的城市 更小,却更美丽 很多其他城市正在积极应对和底特律一样急迫的问题 在琼娜·勒曼和洛克森·艾黛儿的农场种植的五种传家宝西红柿看起来很美味。除此之外,在他们的农场里还有一个嗡嗡作响的蜂巢和冬天保护作物...

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