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2022-06-26   British English
High Unemployment Levels in the West


Unemployment in the West. The quest for jobs. It is not impossible for politicians to reduce the West’s frighteningly high unemployment levels. A LITTLE geographical imagination helps to convey t...

西方国家的失业情况 追逐工作 对于政客们来说,降低西方国家令人为之恐惧的高失业率并不是不可能的 一张小的地理图片便能有助于映射出西方国家的失业情况。在经济合作组织中,如果一些主要的发达成员国有4400万失业人口居住在一个国...

2022-06-20   British English
What Colour is Your Parachute


Self-help. My big fat career. How individuals can survive in the new world of work. “I REWROTE MY entire book after my experience of Spain and seeing what is happening in America, to recast it ...

自助 我的远大前程 新职业世界生存法则 “由于西班牙的经历和当今美国的见闻,我重写了整本书,并用生存性求职的观点重塑了这本书,”理查德.鲍尔斯如是说。他的书《你的降落伞是什么颜色?》作为一本求职指南首次发表于1970年并获得了几...

2022-06-19   Video
Banking Explained – Money and Credit


The international banking system is an enigma. There are more than 30.000 different banks world wide, and they hold unbelievable amounts of assets. The top 10 banks alone account for roughly 25 ...

国际银行系统是一个谜。 全球有超过 30.000 家不同的银行,它们持有数量惊人的资产。 仅前 10 家银行就占约 25 万亿美元。 今天,银行业务似乎非常复杂,但最初的想法是让生活更简单。 11 世纪,意大利是欧洲...

2022-06-12   British English
The Economics of Good Looks


The economics of good looks. The line of beauty. Pretty people still get the best deals in the market, from labour to love. Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People are More Successful. By Daniel Hamer...

美貌经济学 貌美之人的界限 外貌标致的人仍然最有市场,不论是找工作还是爱情 《美貌买单》:为何有魅力的人更加成功,丹尼尔·汉姆梅斯着。 《美貌的偏见》:生活与法律中外貌的不公, 黛博拉·罗得着。 及《甜蜜的金钱》:魅...

2022-06-10   British English
Economy’s Prospects of America


The economy’s prospects. Waiting for the earth to open. The usual accelerators of recession are absent—but so are the brakes. HOURS after an earthquake struck America’s east coast on August 23rd,...

经济前景 待重头收拾旧山河 经济不再像往常般加速下滑——而是已经减速 在美国东海岸8月23日的地震之后数个小时,上班族们仍在华盛顿和纽约(见上图)的街道上游荡着,惴惴不安地等待着下次余震。美国经济也正出现类似的情况。跨经2007...

2022-06-08   British English
The Debt-ceiling Deal


THE deficit-reduction deal that finally raised America’s debt ceiling and staved off the threat of default seemed to make no one happy. “A sugar-coated Satan sandwich,” one Democratic congressman call...

减赤协议还是达成了,该协议最终决定提高美国的债务上限,以避开违约的风险。但貌似没人会笑得出来。“这不过是块裹了糖衣的撒旦三明治,”一位民主党众议员这样形容它。共和党的下届总统候选人也一致对协议进行了斥责。 但是比这个协议本身还让人不满...

2022-05-27   British English
Wealth, Poverty, and Fragile States


Wealth, poverty, and fragile states. MIFFed by misrule. A new category of countries mixes modest affluence with miserable governance. MOST people think they know what a failed state looks like. A...

富国、穷国和弱国 劣政生怨 有点钱却又不善管制的新型国家 大多数人自以为懂得何谓失败的政权。索马里就是一个典型的例子。这个星期联合国正式承认索马里南部闹饥荒。伊斯兰民兵组织Shabab解除被它称为“反伊斯兰教”的援助机构入境的禁令之...

2022-05-26   Video
How The Stock Exchange Works


What is the Stock Exchange and how does it work? The Stock Exchange is nothing more than a giant globally network tend to organize the market place where every day huge sums of money are m...

什么是证券交易所 它是如何工作的? 证券交易所仅此而已 比庞大的全球网络 倾向于组织每天的市场 巨额资金来回转移。 总计超过 60 万亿 (60,000,000,000,000) 每年交易欧元。 超越所有商品...

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