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2022-01-29   British English
How Much Longer Can America Keep Increasing Productivity


Business. American business. Hard times, lean firms. How much longer can America keep increasing productivity? EVERYONE complains that corporate America is reluctant to hire additional workers. ...

商业 美国公司 艰难时局磨练高效能企业 美国的生产率增长还能持续多久? 企业不愿再增加雇佣量在美国引起民怨沸腾。但很少有人关注减少失业率的有效途径:显着提升美国的劳动生产率水平。 这种提升能持续多久?包装材料制...

2022-01-23   Pre-Intermediate
The Trends in Couponing in the US


As the American economy continues to struggle,a growing number of people are seeking ways to save on household expenses.One way is collecting and redeeming coupons when they shop for goods and service...

2022-01-21   British English
Smaller Is More Beautiful


United States. Other Shrinking Cities. Smaller Is More Beautiful. Many other cities are battling problems almost as acute as Detroit’s. THE five kinds of heirloom tomatoes on Joanna Lehrma...

美国 其他萎缩的城市 更小,却更美丽 很多其他城市正在积极应对和底特律一样急迫的问题 在琼娜·勒曼和洛克森·艾黛儿的农场种植的五种传家宝西红柿看起来很美味。除此之外,在他们的农场里还有一个嗡嗡作响的蜂巢和冬天保护作物...

2022-01-13   British English
Solar Heat for Oil Wells


Science and Technology. Solar heat for oil wells. Mirrors in glasshouses… …can be used to heat stones. THERE is a lot of energy from ancient sunshine stored in the oil that sits below the deserts ...

科技 用于油井的太阳热能 温室的反光镜…... …...能用于加热石头 古代阳光的很多能量储存于埋藏在阿曼沙漠下的石油里。如今,还是有很多阳光照射在这些沙漠之上。 不过,一项已确定的技术革新应该允许那部分如今的...

2022-01-05   British English
Apple Should Give Cash Back to Shareholders


Business. How to spend it. The tech giant should give cash back to shareholders. NOT long after Steve Jobs died last year, wags eulogised the Apple co-founder with a joke: "Ten years ago we had St...

商业 钱多了该怎么花 巨额现金流应该部分返还股东 苹果公司创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯去年病逝后不久,就有这样一个赞颂他的笑话流行起来:"10年前,我们有史蒂夫·乔布斯, 鲍勃·霍普和约翰尼·卡什,现在呢,手头没有工作(乔布斯姓J...

2022-01-03   British English
Commercial Property Bounced Back in the Best Locations


Prime numbers. Commercial property has bounced back, but only in the best locations. IN SOME corners of the commercial-property market a slight whiff of self-congratulation is in the air. Doom-lad...

顶级商业房产,如质数般稀少 商业地产已经复苏,但是只在黄金地带 在商业地产市场的某些角落里,空气中漂浮着一丝自得的气息。商业地产将会是“下一只掉落的鞋子”——这条2008年和2009年初发出的警告并没有最终成为现实。那些希望靠出...

2021-12-24   British English
A Faster Way of Boarding Planes Could Save Time and Money


Science and Technology. Air travel. Please be seated. A faster way of boarding planes could save time and money. THE job of the professional astrophysicist is to contemplate the music of the spher...

科技 飞机旅行 请就坐 一种更快速的登机方法可以节约时间和金钱 天体物理学家的工作是凝视太空,欣赏太空中的天体音乐(天文学家一直相信有天体音乐之说)。然而,全球化的现代科学使得今天的天体物理学家也经常花费同样的时间去...

2021-12-08   British English
Finance & Economics - Drain or Gain


Finance & Economics, Economics focus Drain or gain? Poor countries can end up benefiting when their brightest citizens emigrate. WHEN people in rich countries worry about migration, they tend to t...

财经科学 经济聚焦 人才外流,是得还是失 穷国最终会从人才外流中获益 发达国家担心移民,他们通常考虑的是对收入要求较低的移民会和他们竞争就业岗位,例如建筑工人,洗碗工或是农场工人。而发展中国家担心移民,则通常考虑的是,他们...

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