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2022-11-23   British English
When is Something Perceived as 'Not Fair'


Science and technology. Psychology. Snot fair! Exactly when is something perceived as "not fair"? AS THE bankster phenomenon has so eloquently illustrated, Homo sapiens is exquisitely sensitive ...

科技 心理 太不公平啦! 究竟在什么情况下人们会觉得"不公平"? 强盗银行家的现象已经有力地证明,人类对于不公平是敏感至极的。过去,许多人对于操盘手高到天上去的收入,甚至是银行高管天文数字一般的薪酬,虽忿忿不平,但尚能忍耐...

2022-11-07   British English
Going South


Books and Arts; Britain's third-world economy. Relegation for Albion. Going South: Why Britain Will Have A Third World Economy By 2014. By Larry Elliott and Dan Atkinson. The journalistic team o...

文艺; 英国的第三世界经济 大不列颠的陨落 《滑向全球之南:为什么2014年的英国会有一个第三世界经济》;作者拉里·埃利奥特,丹·阿特金森 事实证明,拉里·埃利奥特和丹·阿特金森的记者团队在描绘被债务吹高的英国繁荣方...

2022-10-18   British English
‘A Journey to the Centre of the Internet’


Books and Arts; Book review; How the internet works; Mapping the tubes; Contrary to expectations, the internet has a heart of cable and steel. Tubes: A Journey to the Centre of the Internet. By And...

文艺;书评;互联网如何运作; 绘制网路全景; 和预期不一样 互联网有一颗由电缆和钢铁组成的“心脏” 《网路:通往互联网中心的旅程》,作者安德鲁·布朗姆。 此书开篇引用了约翰·佩里·巴洛于1996年写的一篇文章中的一段...

2022-08-23   British English
‘How American Business Produced Victory in World War II’


Book and arts. Book review. American business in wartime. Democracy's arsenal. Freedom's Forge: How American Business Produced Victory in World War II. By Arthur Herman. “WHAT is America but be...

书籍和艺术 书评 美国的战时经济 民主阵营的兵工厂 《铸就自由:美国工业如何赢得了二战》亚瑟·赫尔曼着。 “除了选美皇后、百万富翁、可笑的记录和好莱坞,美国还有啥?”阿道夫·希特勒1940年这样问。现在回头看,这几乎可以算...

2022-08-15   British English
‘In Pursuit of the Next Economic Miracles’


Book and arts. Book review. Emerging markets: To have or have not. Breakout Nations: In Pursuit of the Next Economic Miracles. By Ruchir Sharma. “EMERGING markets” is a useful term precisely bec...

书籍和艺术 书评 新兴市场:取舍之间 《经济突破型国家:追逐未来经济奇迹》,拉尔奇.沙尔曼着 “新兴市场”这个词,准确说来,实用性在于它的定义不准确。投资者想找个热门地区投资,此词便应运而生,它涵盖的经济体范围令人匪夷所思,而且...

2022-07-22   British English
The Economic Crisis Undid Economic Progress


It shows that Greece’s economic clock has been turned back furthest: it has been rewound by over 12 years. Elsewhere in the euro area, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain have lost seven years or more....

我们可以看到希腊的经济退步最多:倒退了12年。欧洲的其他国家,爱尔兰、意大利、比利时和西班牙倒退了至少7年。英国,这第一个被迫向丧失偿还贷款信誉的银行伸援手的国家,经济也倒退了8年。美国,这一危机的始作俑者,倒退了10年。 我们的这个...

2022-07-20   British English
The Reanimation of America’s Housing Market is Odd


THE reanimation of America’s housing market has been a long time coming. Residential building last contributed positively to growth in 2005. Housing-construction employment has dropped 43% since then....


2022-07-16   British English
To Slim Agency's Rule Book


CHEERS greeted Barack Obama’s hiring of Cass Sunstein away from the University of Chicago. Mr Sunstein, a lawyer, now head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, is in charge of lifting ...


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