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2023-09-03   Pre-Intermediate
Coconut Power, Using Coconut Oil as Fuel, Part Two


Once pure, most oils are then ready to go into a fuel tank. But coconut oil is different. It is thicker than other fuels. It turns into a solid at a much higher temperature - about twenty-five degrees...

一旦净化,大多数油就可以进入油箱。但椰子油不同。它比其他燃料更厚。它在更高的温度下变成固体 - 大约 25 摄氏度。在某些地方,这在寒冷的天气里可能是个问题!油将不再是液体形式。发动机无法启动。通常,将使用该油的发动机需要进行小的更改。例如...

2023-09-01   Pre-Intermediate
Coconut Power, Using Coconut Oil as Fuel, Part One


What kind of transport do you use the most - bus? Train? Car, maybe? Do you ever wonder how much fuel these vehicles need to move around? Almost all of them use mineral oil. Mineral oil comes from und...

您最常使用哪种交通工具 - 公共汽车?火车?也许是汽车?你有没有想过这些车辆需要多少燃料才能四处行驶?他们几乎都使用矿物油。矿物油来自地下。今天,地球上的人口比以往任何时候都多。更多的人意味着更多的运输,而更多的运输将使用更多的石油。那么,...

2023-08-10   British English
America's Green Subsidies are Causing Headaches in Europe - Ⅱ


A first possible tack would be to take America to the WTO, in the hope of a ruling that its new subsidies are illegal. Such wranglings are long, dull and unrewarding: the transatlantic battle over ...

第一个可能的策略是将美国告上世贸组织,希望世贸组织裁定美国新的补贴非法。这样的争论是漫长、乏味且没有回报的:大西洋两岸围绕空客和波音飞机补贴的争端持续了17年。到2021年这场争端结束时,除了律师,很难说究竟谁是胜者。 如今,人们甚至...

2023-08-08   British English
America's Green Subsidies are Causing Headaches in Europe - Ⅰ


United States divided Europe. America's green subsidies are causing headaches in Europe. For years, Europe has nagged the world to follow its lead in cutting carbon emissions. In August America...

美国分裂了欧洲。 美国的绿色补贴让欧洲头疼不已。 多年来,欧洲一直在催促世界各国加入欧洲的行列,共同削减碳排放。8月,美国联邦政府终于听从了它的建议;乔·拜登总统签署了一项大规模绿色补贴一揽子计划。该计划《通货膨胀削减法案》(I...

2023-07-29   British English
Spain's High-speed Network Reaches Far-off Galicia


Europe. The train in Spain. To the end of the earth. Spain's high-speed network reaches far-off Galicia. For Centuries the main way to Galicia, Spain's north-western corner, was on foot, on the ...

欧洲 西班牙的火车 直到世界的尽头 西班牙的高速铁路网络延伸到了遥远的加利西亚 几个世纪以来,前往西班牙西北角加利西亚的主要方式是徒步,这是朝圣者前往圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉的路线。十年或二十年前,糟糕的路况意味着,从马德里开车过去...

2023-07-21   British English
Affordable Child Care Would Help Some Mothers into Paid Work - Ⅱ


Despite nursery costs that are around 60% higher than in the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, employment rates for British mothers with children under 15 are in the middle of the pack. This s...


2023-07-19   British English
Affordable Child Care Would Help Some Mothers into Paid Work - Ⅰ


Britain. Child care and growth. Home economics. More affordable child care would help some mothers into paid work. From the age of five, Alison Mbekeani dreamed of becoming a scientist. Follo...

英国 儿童保育与成长 家政学 更多负担得起的托儿服务将有助于一些母亲找到有报酬的工作 从五岁起,艾莉森·姆贝凯尼就梦想成为一名科学家。追寻这个梦想,她去了利物浦大学热带医学院,然后在2014年埃博拉疫情爆发期间去了塞拉利昂,然后...

2023-07-17   British English
One Bit of Denmark Feels Differently About Immigrants


Europe. Another view. The Lolland exception. One bit of Denmark feels differently about immigrants. When Danes think about Lolland, which is not very often, they tend to feel sorry for it. Th...

欧洲 另一种观点 洛兰岛的例外 有丹麦人对移民的看法有一点不同 当丹麦人想到洛兰岛时,虽然不常提起,他们往往会为此感到遗憾。该岛位于波罗的海,拥有大片平坦的田野和海滩,2015年因一部电视纪录片《在纳克斯考的尾巴上》而声名狼...

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