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2023-06-15   British English
East African Camels


Middle east and Africa. East African camels. Speedy and tasty. The camel trade is increasingly lucrative. “Allahu akbar!” the boys shout gleefully from atop their camels, the reins of others held ...

中东和非洲 东非骆驼 又快又有味儿 骆驼贸易越来越获益 “真主至大!”一群男孩坐在骆驼背上开心地喊着,高举的拳头里攥着其它骆驼的缰绳,背向夕阳而行。不远处,金属栅栏围起的赛道穿过薄饼般平坦的沙漠。这块大平地位于苏丹东部城市卡萨拉...

2023-05-28   British English
Securitisation is Back - Ⅱ


The principle that the party creating a new security needs to retain some exposure to the underlying credit should help ensure that underwriting standards do not get too slack. That will hamper the...

产生新的有价证券的一方必须保留能证明其潜在信用的相关文件这一条例应该能够确保保险业管理政策不至于太过松弛。这将会限制风险的直接转移,但是,鉴于之前的经验,防患于未然可能会比较明智。 由证券化引起的一些奇怪结构—例如将债务抵押债券投资到...

2023-05-26   British English
Securitisation is Back - Ⅰ


Securitisation. It's back. Once a cause of the financial world's problems, securitisation is now part of the solution. Given their role in the 2008 meltdown, and their subsequent branding as toxi...

证券化 重新启动 证券化曾经是导致金融危机的因素之一,如今却能帮助解决金融难题 鉴于2008年经济危机时所扮演的角色,以及随后被贴上的有毒污泥的标签,证券化金融产品这几年的表现并不出乎人的意料。然而抵押贷款、信用卡债务和其他一些...

2023-05-10   Pre-Intermediate
Economy, Immigration and President Election


The debt crisis in Europe has reduced demand for American goods.Desmond Lachman says deepening problems in the countries that use the euro could further slow growth worldwide."My expectation is that E...

2023-05-08   British English
Britain Mental Health - Ⅱ


Nearly a quarter of patients waited longer than four hours in accident and emergency (A&E) rooms in the first week of this year. One in five patients admitted for further treatment endured a long w...

将近四分之一的病人今年第一周在紧急意外室等候超过4小时。5个病人中就有一个接受进一步治疗的需要在医院的手推车或走廊上忍受一段很长时间的等待,而这是平常的速度的两倍。 由于在社区没有提供足够的心理治疗,最近的调查显示有心理疾病来急诊的数...

2023-05-06   British English
Britain Mental Health - Ⅰ


Britain. Mental Health: Out of the shadows. Mental illness is at last getting the attention, if not the money it needs. Mental health care has long been the poor relation of its physical counterp...

英国 心理疾病:走出阴影 即便不是急需的财政援助,心理疾病至少争取到了它所该有的关注。 心理健康医疗一直以来都和其相对应的生理健康医疗相比之下处于劣势。人们严重保持对心理疾病的羞耻态度。在英国,每六个成人里面就有一个已经被诊断出...

2023-05-04   British English
Inequality and Exercise Spin to Separate


United States: Inequality and exercise Spin to separate. Sweating on purpose is becoming an elite phenomenon. In a darkened room at the edge of downtown Washington, DC, electronic music pulses o...

美国 不平等与运动健身 分道扬镳 有意流汗成为精英现象 在华盛顿特区市中心的边缘,幽暗的房间里电子音乐冲击着扬声器,一大群汗流浃背的女孩随音乐起起伏伏地跳着。前面点着蜡烛,墙上挂着励志标语。可悲的是,它不是一场药物刺激下的狂欢,...

2023-04-22   British English
Mining Metals from Asteroids


A plan by a firm called Planetary Resources to mine metals from asteroids and bring them back to Earth. It sounds like the plot of a film by James Cameron-and, appropriately, Mr Cameron is indeed o...


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