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2023-11-30   British English
Another Upward Force on American Inflation - the Housing Boom


Finance and Economics. Inflation in America. Rental resurgence. Yet another upward force on American inflation: the housing boom. From Energy and used cars to wages and shipping, the list of fac...

财经 美国的通货膨胀 租赁死灰复燃 促进美国通货膨胀的另一股力量是房地产繁荣 从能源和二手车到工资和航运,推动美国通货膨胀的因素清单正在快速增加。住房会是下一个吗?根据10月13日公布的数据,截至今年9月,消费者价格指数CPI上...

2023-11-28   British English
Wages are Surging Across the Rich World, Part Two


Wages in the accommodation and food-service sector, which is struggling to attract workers, rose by 8% in the year to July; increases in manufacturing have been more modest. In America the wages of...

正努力吸引工人的住宿和餐饮服务行业工资在今年到7月份上涨了8%;制造业的增长则较为温和。在美国,工资最低的四分之一工人的工资增长速度比最高工资的工人快70%。 盎格鲁-撒克逊国家,基本工资的增长速度大约是欧洲大陆的三倍。这可能是因为美...

2023-11-26   British English
Wages are Surging Across the Rich World, Part One


Finance and Economics. Labour costs. The pandemic pay rise. Wages are surging across the rich world. What it means for the economic recovery. Not Long ago pundits obsessively checked the latest...

财经 工人成本 疫情导致工资上涨 发达国家的工资正在飙升 这对经济复苏意味着什么? 不久以前,专家们着迷般地查看新冠肺炎病例的最新统计数据。现在,他们对通胀数据也采取了同样的做法。10月13日公布的数据显示,截至9月份,美国消费...

2023-11-24   British English
Labour Shortages in America, Part Two


This suggests that the second factor, fear, may be important in explaining America's shortage of staff. Nearly 4m people are not looking for work "because of the coronavirus pandemic", according to of...


2023-11-22   British English
Labour Shortages in America, Part One


Labour shortages in America. Help wanted. Why workers are hard to find, even though unemployment is high. The pandemic has led to all sorts of weird economic outcomes. The latest oddity is the gr...

美国的劳动力短缺 急聘 为什么在失业率高的情况下,工人还是很难找到 大流行导致了各种奇怪的经济结果。最近的一个奇怪之处是,尽管美国的就业人口与新冠肺炎爆发前相比减少了800万人,但对劳动力短缺的抱怨却越来越多。彭博社四月初报道称...

2023-11-20   British English
The Returns on Housing Investment, Part Two


The Oxbridge archives are rich enough to allow for the construction of something like an ideal property index, however. The study's authors dredged for detailed data on sales and purchases (from trans...


2023-11-18   British English
The Returns on Housing Investment, Part One


University challenge. The returns on housing investment are not what they are cracked up to be. Brits, it is said, have a penchant for nostalgia. So take a trip down memory lane to the autumn of 1...

大学挑战 住房投资的回报并不是他们所吹嘘的那样 据说英国人对怀旧情有独钟。所以,沿着记忆的小路回到1997年的秋天,那是一段更加快乐的时光。英国的经济似乎正在加速。英格兰银行将利率提高到了7.25%,但消费者的适应能力有多强?零...

2023-11-16   British English
The Role of Trade Finance, Part Two


Still, because trade finance is short-term— usually 30 to 90 days—and backed by collateral, lenders have some recourse. Natalie Blyth of HSBC, a bank, reckons that the performance gap between trade...

因为贸易金融是短期的——通常为30到90天——并有保证金的支持,银行有一些追索权。汇丰银行的娜塔莉·布莱思认为,贸易金融资产和公司贷款之间的表现差距将会扩大。 第三个问题是可能出现的新融资紧缩。为了评估客户,银行和保险公司依赖信用评级...

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