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2023-03-09   British English
Gary Becker -Ⅰ


Finance and economics. Free exchange. The great trailblazer. Economists everywhere should mourn the passing of Gary Becker. If There is one person to blame for economists' habit of opining on e...

财经 自由交易 伟大的开拓者 世界各地的经济学家都该对加里·贝克尔的离世表示哀悼 经济学家们习惯于对一切事情都发表意见,若要将这嗜好归功于一人,这个人便是已于2014年5月3日辞世的加里·贝克尔。不满足于仅仅研究世界经济,贝克尔...

2023-02-23   British English
Two Books Probe the Limits of Capitalism -Ⅱ


Capitalism, they note, has “made possible vast improvements in material conditions”, but it also fuels human insatiability. One way it does this is by “increasingly ‘monetising' the economy”. Monetisa...


2023-02-21   British English
Two Books Probe the Limits of Capitalism -Ⅰ


Books and Arts; Book Review; Money and the markets. Insatiable longing. Two new books probe the limits of capitalism. How Much Is Enough? Money and the Good Life. By Robert Skidelsky and Edward Ski...

文艺;书评;货币与市场 永无止境的欲望 两本新书带领我们探索资本主义的底线 《多少钱才算够?钱财与好生活》 罗伯特·斯基德尔斯基与爱德华·斯基德尔斯基着 《钱财所不能买:市场的道德底线》 迈克尔·桑德尔着 西方...

2023-01-19   Video
Universal Basic Income Explained


What if the state covered your cost of living, would you still go to work? Go back to school? Not work at all? What would you do? This concept is called a universal basic income or UBI. An...

2022-12-31   British English
Football Transfers in Britain


Britain. Football transfers. Reassuringly expensive. The financial gulf between English clubs and the rest of Europe is growing. FOOTBALL’S transfer window may almost be viewed as a sport in its...

英国 足球转会 天价 英国足球俱乐部与欧洲其他俱乐部财力差距正在拉大。 球员转会窗口的竞争都可以当作一项运动了。欧洲各俱乐部在每年的一月和夏季的两个月疯狂的买卖球员。当转会窗口关闭后,这次关闭是在9月2号,球队就定型了,只能等下...

2022-12-03   British English
Academic Journals Faced a Shake-up - Ⅱ


This organisation, a charity based in San Francisco, charges authors a fee (between $1,350 and $2,900, though it is waived in cases of hardship) and then makes their papers available over the internet...


2022-12-01   British English
Academic Journals Faced a Shake-up - Ⅰ


Science and technology. Scientific publishing. Brought to book. Academic journals face a radical shake-up. IF THERE is any endeavour whose fruits should be freely available, that endeavour is su...

科技 科技出版业 好书来了 学术期刊面临彻底改变 如果有人试图把成果免费公开的话,那他一定是科学资助者,确实,纳税人都希望不再花额外的钱来阅读科学着作,并且科学的进步也是通过各个学科之间的相互促进吸收,而其间的交流障碍使这种进步...

2022-11-23   British English
When is Something Perceived as 'Not Fair'


Science and technology. Psychology. Snot fair! Exactly when is something perceived as "not fair"? AS THE bankster phenomenon has so eloquently illustrated, Homo sapiens is exquisitely sensitive ...

科技 心理 太不公平啦! 究竟在什么情况下人们会觉得"不公平"? 强盗银行家的现象已经有力地证明,人类对于不公平是敏感至极的。过去,许多人对于操盘手高到天上去的收入,甚至是银行高管天文数字一般的薪酬,虽忿忿不平,但尚能忍耐...

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