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2024-05-20   British English
Hollywood Screenwriters' Strike, Part Two


The second problem lies with “residuals”—what a writer gets paid each time an episode or film they worked on is rebroadcast. In the Netflix era, films and TV shows can be rebroadcast on demand. ...

第二个问题是“追加酬金”——作家制作的一集电视剧或一部电影每被重播一次就会得到报酬。在网飞时代,电影和电视节目可以按需重播。作家们认为,该行业尚未找到一种公平的方法来调整他们的支付系统,以适应这种巨大的变化。 整个好莱坞都感受到了作家...

2024-05-18   British English
Hollywood Screenwriters' Strike, Part One


One hundred years ago, the hills above Los Angeles got a facelift. A giant sign was erected to advertise a new property development. Its 13 letters, each 43 feet tall, spelled “Hollywoodland” (“...


2024-05-16   British English
What a Shortage of Adderall Means for Economic Growth, Part 2


This changed when sugar imports from Britain’s colonies increased. Annual sugar consumption per person rose from around 5Ibs a year in 1700 to 20Ibs by 1800—several times higher than in continental E...

当从英国殖民地进口的糖增加时,情况发生了变化。每年人均糖消耗量从1700年的约5磅增加到1800年的20磅,比欧洲大陆要高出好几倍。1800年以后,随着英国人爱上甜茶和蛋糕,糖的进口量猛增。 曾获诺贝尔奖的经济学家罗伯特·福格尔指出,...

2024-05-14   British English
What a Shortage of Adderall Means for Economic Growth, Part 1


Finance and economics. Buzzkill. What a shortage of Adderall means for economic growth. Towards the end of last year America began running short of medicines used to treat attention-deficit hyper...

财经 无法兴奋 阿德拉药品短缺对经济增长意味着什么 去年年底,美国用于治疗注意力缺陷多动障碍的药物开始短缺,其中包括阿德拉(一种苯丙胺)和利他林(一种中枢神经系统兴奋剂)。十分之九的药店报告称这些药物短缺,而数千万美国人使用这些药物来...

2024-05-08   British English
Why the West's Employment Miracle Looks Likely to Continue, Part 2


What explains employers' Japanese turn? Perhaps, after the pandemic, bosses are kinder to workers. Another, more realistic, possibility is that firms are in a strong financial position. This ma...

如何解释雇主的日本化倾向?也许,在疫情过后,老板们对员工更仁慈了。另一种更现实的可能性是,公司的财务状况良好。这可能让他们在不需要削减成本的情况下,能够承受现今较低的收入。在疫情时期,许多企业得到了政府的帮助。 近年来,企业利润一直很...

2024-05-06   British English
Why the West's Employment Miracle Looks Likely to Continue, Part 1


Finance and economics. The new economics of work. Jobs for all. Why the west's employment miracle looks likely to continue. To see what a world swimming in jobs looks like, visit Japan. At ai...

财经 新型工作经济学 全民就业 为什么西方的就业奇迹可能会持续下去。 要想看看一个遍地都是工作的世界是什么样子,那就去日本吧。在机场,行李箱跌落到传送带上后,工作人员把它们摆整齐。手持荧光警棍的男子站在建筑工地附近,提醒你不要走...

2024-05-04   British English
Are Greedy Corporations Causing Inflation, Part 2


Economists refer to this as the “capital” or “labour” share of GDP. When one group wins, by definition the other must lose. We have estimated the labour share across the OECD, a group of mostly ...


2024-05-02   British English
Are Greedy Corporations Causing Inflation, Part 1


Finance and economics. Capital versus labour. Are greedy corporations causing inflation? In the three years before Covid-19, rich-world consumer prices rose by a total of 6%. In the three years ...

财经 资本与劳工 贪婪的企业导致了通货膨胀吗? 在新冠肺炎暴发之前的三年里,富裕国家的消费价格总共上涨了6%。在那之后的三年里,消费价格已经上涨了近20%。人们在找出坏蛋,而公司往往高居名单首位。 根据民意调查公司晨间咨询...

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