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2023-04-16   British English
Britain's Planning Laws -Ⅱ


A much better way of encouraging house-building would be to give local councils bigger incentives to allow it. NIMBYism is not always irrational. Housing developments spoil views; incomers fill ...

鼓励建房更好的方式就是刺激当地议会批准它。邻避主义者并不总是不理性的。楼市的发展会改变他们的观点;不断有移民者搭乘汽车上班、进入学校学习、去医院看病。然而尽管建筑许可证的颁发使房价翻了200番,议会却无法将增值的大部分用之于服务。 社...

2023-04-14   British English
Britain's Planning Laws -Ⅰ


Britain's planning laws. An Englishman's home. The shortage of housing is a gathering national crisis. Rev up the bulldozers. NOW that the economy is at last growing again, the burning issue in B...

英国规划法 英国人之家 英国住房匮乏,危机重重,应大兴土木! 既然英国最终恢复了经济增长,如今国民生活成本问题便成了燃眉之急。过去六年来,物价一直超过工资水平。 政治家们已适时地督促能源公司削减账单,辅以增加最低工资水平的...

2023-03-31   British English
Moderate Minimum Wages -Ⅱ


High minimum wages, however, particularly in rigid labour markets, do appear to hit employment. France has the rich world's highest wage floor, at more than 60% of the median for adults and a far b...


2023-03-29   British English
Moderate Minimum Wages -Ⅰ


Minimum wages. The logical floor. Moderate minimum wages do more good than harm. They should be set by technocrats not politicians. On both sides of the Atlantic politicians are warming to the id...

最低工资标准 多少才合理 实施适度的最低工资标准利大于弊,但是它们应该由技术专家而不是领导层来设定。 欧美各国领导人逐渐开始赞同提高工资水平可以帮助贫困人群这一观点。贝拉克·奥巴马[前总统]打算将联邦最低工资标准提高40%,时薪...

2023-03-25   British English
A Billion Shades of Grey -Ⅱ


At the other end of the social scale, however, things look grim. Manual work gets harder as people get older, and public pensions look more attractive to those on low wages and the unemployed. In the ...


2023-03-23   British English
A Billion Shades of Grey -Ⅰ


A billion shades of grey. An ageing economy will be a slower and more unequal one—unless policy starts changing now. Warren Buffett, who on May 3rd hosts the folksy extravaganza that is Berkshir...

十亿银发族 一个老龄化的经济体会发展地越来越缓慢,且社会不平等加剧—除非现在就开始政策改革 沃伦·巴菲特,这个美国资本主义的象征式人物,将于5月3号主持伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司一年一度的股东大会。83岁高龄的他也正代表了当前人口发展...

2023-03-21   British English
Kick-starting India -Ⅱ


Second, a destabilising cycle of stagflation must be broken. High public borrowing has fuelled inflation, which stands at 9%. To protect their savings, households have bought gold from abroad, blowing...


2023-03-19   British English
Kick-starting India -Ⅰ


A new government will be formed in the coming days. Exit polls point to the Bharatiya Janata Party swooping back to power after a decade in opposition. Narendra Modi, its leader, is set to be prime mi...


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