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2024-06-13   British English
A Powerful Gauge of the Economy, Part Two


The Fed papers also see a third use for tweets: as a bellwether of sorts for monetary policy. Ms. Vega and colleagues find that the social-media site fares better than changes in bond yields in pr...

美联储的论文还论及了推特帖子的第三个用途:作为货币政策的风向标。维加和她的同事们发现,在宣布货币政策决定的当天,推特比债券收益率的变化更好地预测了货币政策决定。 与此同时,推特情绪指数很擅长预测加息等紧缩政策带来的冲击。推特帖子往往会...

2024-06-12   Intermediate
How Singapore Handles Six Million Pounds of Trash Daily


- [Narrator] Singapore generated around 16.3 billion pounds of solid waste in 2022. Almost half of that is dumped here, Singapore's only landfill. And a portion of Semakau Landfill is al...

2024-06-11   British English
A Powerful Gauge of the Economy, Part One


Finance and economics. Fed-X. The site formerly known as Twitter is not lucrative, but it is a powerful gauge of the economy. Elon musk is no fan of the Federal Reserve. At least a dozen t...

财经美联储与X 之前名为推特的网站并不赚钱,但它是有力的经济衡量标准。 埃隆·马斯克不是美联储的粉丝。在过去的一年里,这位X(之前叫推特,最近才改名)公司的老板至少有十几次猛烈抨击了美国中央银行提高利率的行为。例如,去年12月,...

2024-06-05   British English
Can the Bull Market Last


Finance and economics. Cowabunga. Investors everywhere are seized by optimism. Can the bull market last? Bull markets, according to John Templeton, “are born on pessimism, grow on scepticism, ma...

财经 太牛了 所有投资者都沉浸在乐观情绪中,牛市能持续下去吗? 根据约翰·邓普顿的说法,牛市“诞生于悲观,成长于怀疑,成熟于乐观,消亡于狂喜”。这位传奇的华尔街基金经理在1939年将这一理念付诸实践。在其他人对欧洲陷入战争感到恐...

2024-05-30   British English
An Unprecedentedly Large Wave of Mass Migration, Part 2


Many governments are also trying to attract more people. Canada has a target to welcome 1.5m new residents in 2023-25. Germany and India recently signed an agreement to allow more Indians to wor...

2024-05-28   British English
An Unprecedentedly Large Wave of Mass Migration, Part 1


Finance and economics. Exodus. An unprecedentedly large wave of mass migration is under way. Last year 1.2m people moved to Britain—almost certainly the most ever. Net migration (ie, immigrants ...

财经 大迁徙 一场规模空前的移民潮正在进行中。 去年有120万人移居英国,几乎肯定是有史以来最多的一年。澳大利亚的净移民(即移入减去移出)是疫情前的两倍。西班牙的这一数字最近创下历史新高。预计今年美国的净移民将接近140万,比疫...

2024-05-22   British English
Wages in Japan are Finally Rising


Finance and economics. 28 Years Later. After decades of stagnation, wages in Japan are finally rising. Kasahara Yoshihisa, boss of Higo Bank, a lender in Japan’s south, beams with pride as he exp...

财经 28年之后 在经历了数十年的经济停滞之后,日本的工资终于开始上涨。 笠原义久是日本南部的肥后银行的老板,当他解释提高工资的计划时,他脸上洋溢着自豪的笑容。该公司的员工薪水将上涨3%,还会基于资历而定期涨薪。但当被问及员工上...

2024-05-21   Intermediate
Why Blue-Collar Workers Are Finally Getting Paid More


- [Narrator] This is Betty, a blue collar worker who tends the counter at a fast food restaurant. And this is Wilma, she's a white collar worker who writes computer code. Both make aver...

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