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2025-02-18   British English
Recession Fears are Hard to Square with the Data, Part 1


Finance and economics. The world economy. Take a deep breath. Recession fears are hard to square with the data. A weak jobs report in America has raised fears that the world's largest economy is...

财经 世界经济 深呼吸 关于经济衰退的恐慌很难与数据形成一致。 美国就业报告疲弱,引发了人们对这个世界最大经济体正走向衰退的担忧。美国股市暴跌,恐慌情绪蔓延至其他国家。日本东证指数较近期高点下跌15%,德国主要指数下跌7%。...

2025-02-15   Intermediate
Why Cars Lose Their Value So Fast, Part Two


Three years is a kind of benchmark for the used car market, because that is the typical time for a lease, and leased vehicles are a large source of vehicles for the used market. There are ...

三年是一种标杆 对于二手车市场,因为 这是 租赁,而租赁车辆是 大型车辆来源 二手市场。 也有例外,即 课程。 异国情调的汽车,收藏家的汽车, 限量版。 任何高价值的汽车 不会正常贬值,可以 ...

2025-02-13   Intermediate
Why Cars Lose Their Value So Fast, Part One


A car is one of the biggest purchases a person will make in their lifetime. But unlike a house, a car starts losing value right away, literally as you drive it off the lot. You could keep ...

汽车是最大的汽车之一 一个人将在 他们的一生。但与 房子,一辆车开始贬值 马上,就在你开车的时候 它离开了地段。 你可以让它里面一尘不染 然后出去,定期给它 维护并保护它免受 每一个叮当声、凹痕和划痕,以及...

2025-02-12   British English
EU Handouts Have Long been Wasteful, Part Two


A recent paper by Edoardo Baldoni and Pavel Ciaian of the Joint Research Centre, part of the European Commission, puts some numbers on this. The authors find that more than a fifth of European agri...

欧洲委员会联合研究中心的爱德华多·巴尔多尼和帕维尔·恰扬最近发表的一篇论文对此进行了一些数据分析。作者们发现,超过五分之一的欧洲农业补贴最终流向了土地所有者。如果欧洲土地市场的竞争更激烈的话,这个数字还会更高。 在大型农场较少的地区,...

2025-02-10   British English
EU Handouts Have Long been Wasteful, Part One


Finance & economics. Free exchange. The Brussels gambit. EU handouts have long been wasteful. Now they must be fixed. Budget talks in the European Union are a game of 27-dimensional chess. Me...

财经 自由交换 布鲁塞尔棋术 欧盟一直在浪费补贴金。现在这个问题必须得到解决。 欧盟的预算谈判是27维的立体棋局。各成员国同时相互竞争,在同一时间就许多支出项目进行谈判。各国已经在为明年开始的竞赛做准备,这场竞赛可能会尤其具...

2025-02-09   Intermediate
Why Used EV Prices Are Falling, Part Two


The reality is that EV sales growth, both on the new and the used side, is vastly outstripping combustion engine sales growth. Case cites several statistics from September 2022 to September ...

现实情况是,电动汽车销量增长, 无论是新的还是二手的,都是 远超内燃机 销售增长。 Case 引用了几个统计数据 2022 年 9 月至 9 月 2023. 美国新车销量 燃烧端上涨 13%, 美国电动汽车新...

2025-02-08   British English
Japan's Strength Produces a Weak Yen, Part 2


Japan's cultural oddities and language barriers ultimately deter many overseas companies considering a move. The total stock of foreign direct investment in the country is worth just 5% of GDP-a fi...

日本文化的古怪之处和语言障碍最终阻止了许多考虑搬迁的海外公司。在日本的外国直接投资总存量仅占GDP的5%——这一数字使其在全球排名中接近垫底,位于基里巴斯和布隆迪之间,远低于44%的全球平均水平。因此,对日元的需求本来就不大。 对投资...

2025-02-07   Intermediate
Why Used EV Prices Are Falling, Part One


One study showed that all used vehicles up to three years old lost 4.8% in value from September 2022 to September 2023, but EVs specifically fell 29.5%. Another show that from October 22nd ...

一项研究表明,所有二手车 三岁以下丢失 从 2022 年 9 月到 4.8% 2023 年 9 月, 但电动汽车尤其下降了 29.5%。 另一场演出从 10 月 22 日到 10 月 23 日, 1 至 5 岁...

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