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2024-10-01   Pre-Intermediate
Move Over Fast Fashion, Here Comes Slow Fashion


A few years ago, Maxine Bédat — who is now in her early 30s — looked in her closet. It was full of clothes, but she had nothing to wear. “And that was because it was a closet full of fast fashion tha...

2023-09-03   Pre-Intermediate
Coconut Power, Using Coconut Oil as Fuel, Part Two


Once pure, most oils are then ready to go into a fuel tank. But coconut oil is different. It is thicker than other fuels. It turns into a solid at a much higher temperature - about twenty-five degrees...

2023-09-01   Pre-Intermediate
Coconut Power, Using Coconut Oil as Fuel, Part One


What kind of transport do you use the most - bus? Train? Car, maybe? Do you ever wonder how much fuel these vehicles need to move around? Almost all of them use mineral oil. Mineral oil comes from und...

2023-05-10   Pre-Intermediate
Economy, Immigration and President Election


The debt crisis in Europe has reduced demand for American goods.Desmond Lachman says deepening problems in the countries that use the euro could further slow growth worldwide."My expectation is that E...

2022-05-09   Pre-Intermediate
Organic Chocolate


Milk chocolate. Dark chocolate. White chocolate. Fruit or nuts covered with chocolate. Chocolate milk. Hot chocolate milk. Chocolate biscuits. Chocolate cake. Chocolate ice cream. There are...

2022-01-23   Pre-Intermediate
The Trends in Couponing in the US


As the American economy continues to struggle,a growing number of people are seeking ways to save on household expenses.One way is collecting and redeeming coupons when they shop for goods and service...

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