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2023-07-31   British English
Roadkill is Now on the Menu in Wyoming


United States. What's for dinner? Street food. Roadkill is now on the menu in Wyoming. A New Delicacy is available in Wyoming. It is fresh and cheap—but probably a little gamey. Last month i...

美国 晚餐吃什么 路边餐 路毙动物现在已经上了怀俄明州的菜单 一种新的美味开始在怀俄明州出现。 它新鲜又便宜,但可能有点野味。上个月,怀俄明州人收集意外撞死的或偶然撞死的动物已合法化了。并非所有的动物都是猎物。灰熊、一些...

2023-07-17   Pre-Intermediate
An Effort to Require Food Producers to Identify Genetically Engineered Foods


Food activists sayeveryone has a right to know what they are eating.A few weeks ago an effort by food activists in the American state of California.They wanted California voters to approve a requireme...

2023-07-15   British English
New York’s Doormen - Ⅱ


“We make sure everything that they need is available for them,” says Crystalann Johnson, who works in a 60-storey building in midtown. The pandemic affected management, too. Many ground-floor te...

在市中心一栋60层的大楼里工作的克里斯特兰·约翰逊说:“我们要确保他们所需要的一切都得到满足。”疫情也影响了管理。许多底商,如零售商和餐馆,都关闭了,没有重新开业,这意味着收入损失。 工会对此表示怀疑:曼哈顿的租金创历史新高,第一季度...

2023-07-13   British English
New York’s Doormen - Ⅰ


United States. Dust-up with doormen. The white gloves stay on. New York’s well-to-do almost had to take out their own rubbish. Few things are as quintessentially New York as its doormen. Yes,...

美国 和门卫吵架 一直戴着白手套 纽约的富人几乎不得不自己倒垃圾 很少有东西能像门卫那样,成为纽约的典型代表。是的,其他地方也有门卫。但就像你在任何地方都能买到百吉饼。而纽约的门卫很特别。 居民们经常说,他们的门卫就像家人...

2023-07-05   British English
Computing Boot-camp - Ⅱ


Boot-camps claim that over 95% of graduates find jobs as software engineers; starting salaries, they say, average around $65,000. Such claims are seldom independently verified. As the camps prolife...

这些训练营声称,超过95%的学生毕业后以软件工程师为职,并且起薪平均都在6万5千美元左右。然而此类言论很少经过独立查证。 训练营的激增以及进入该市场的二流大学的增多,教学质量难以保证。批评家们也议论说,没有速成班可以与一个计算机学位相...

2023-07-03   British English
Computing Boot-camp - Ⅰ


United States. Computing boot-camp. Risks and rewards. Should for-profit crash courses get federal funds? Liberal arts degrees and computer savvy rarely sit comfortably together. But computer-pro...

美国 编程训练营 风险与回报 盈利性速成班是否应该得到联邦基金的赞助? 文学学位和精通计算机很难兼得。然而,工作越来越需要掌握计算机编程。正出于此,亚当·恩巴尔和阿维弗朗博于2012年创办了Flatiron学校,Flatiron...

2023-06-29   Pre-Intermediate
The Japanese Food Outside of Japan


“My wife and I decided to go out to eat Japanese food. But I was not satisfied. The cook used too much oil on the first part of our meal. And then the fish was not fresh!” These are the words of a ...

2023-06-13   British English
Law Firms - Charging more, Getting less - Ⅱ


Putting up prices at a time of weak demand and fierce competition seems perverse. Yet the industry has continued to increase its sticker prices by 2-3% every year—only to give back almost all the g...


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