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2023-10-19   British English
It's a Memory for People to See a Film at the Drive-in - Ⅰ


The lights are off in many Florida businesses. But after dark, the glow of the Ocala Drive-In's 90-foot screen can be seen from a quarter of a mile down the highway. With half the parking spaces...


2023-09-25   British English
The Aerospace Giant Boeing Ponders Its Bail-out Options


Business. Boeing. Up in the air. The aerospace giant ponders its bail-out options. The coronavirus laid many of Boeing’s airline customers low—literally, for many have suspended flights. Fears a...

商业 波音 直上云霄 这家航空巨头正在考虑其救助方案 冠状病毒使波音公司的许多航空公司客户受到了严重的打击,因为许多公司已经暂停了航班。人们对这个巨头命运的担忧,已经因为这一年而变得不确定——畅销的波音737 max喷气式飞机在...

2023-09-23   British English
The Art of the Restaurateur - Ⅱ


Opportunities to salivate aside, the book also offers food for thought on the restaurateur's art. The “quintessential” challenge is managing the tension between the customer-centric wait staff and the...


2023-09-21   British English
The Art of the Restaurateur - Ⅰ


Books and Arts. Book Review. The restaurant business. Eat up. A successful restaurant involves more than just good food. The Art of the Restaurateur. By Nicholas Lander. The past 30 years have be...

文艺 书评 餐饮业 请尽情享用 一家成功的餐厅提供的不仅仅是佳肴 《餐厅经营者应具备的技巧》 尼古拉斯·兰德尔着 尼古拉斯·兰德尔指出,过去30年是餐饮业发展的黄金时期。各大小餐厅涌现在“各处出人意料的地方,提供各种不同凡...

2023-09-19   British English
A Pipeline Deal Exploited Fast-changing Energy landscape


Business. Energy Transfer bids for Sunoco. Put that in your pipe. A pipeline deal to exploit America's fast-changing energy landscape. Nodding donkeys, offshore platforms, refineries and filling...

商业 ETP竞购Sunoco 纳入油管中 美国能源局势快速多变 一桩油气管道交易抓住了契机 抽油机,海上钻井平台,炼油厂还有加油站,你看见的这些只是石油工业的冰山一角。把它们连在一起的是一个庞大且几乎隐形的地下管网。它价值不菲,...

2023-09-17   British English
Bobby Kotick Helped the video-game Industry Grow up - Ⅱ


Each of these is a brand in its own right and has spawned numerous versions and sequels. This has led to criticism that Activision's approach is too dependent on exploiting and re-exploiting franchise...


2023-09-15   British English
Bobby Kotick Helped the Video-game Industry Grow up - Ⅰ


Business. Face value. Top of his game. Bobby Kotick of Activision Blizzard has helped the video-game industry grow up. Like many teenagers, Bobby Kotick was drawn to video games when they first ap...

商业 表面价值 游戏业的顶尖玩家 动视暴雪的鲍比·科蒂克带动了电子游戏的茁壮成长 和许多青少年一样,当电子游戏在 20 世纪 70 年代问世的时候,鲍比·科蒂克就深深地被它所吸引。 他有一台雅达利游戏机,带有厚重的插件卡带和块状...

2023-09-13   British English
A shareholder Stand-off in the German Black Forest


Business. German business. Screwdrivers drawn. A shareholder stand-off in the Black Forest. If you have ever struggled to assemble a flat-pack wardrobe, the chances are that its wooden pieces were...

商业 德国商业 拉锯战 山林地区股东的势均力敌之争 如果你组装过组合式衣柜,这些木质零部件可能是由豪迈公司机械化切割、钻孔及加工润饰的。位于德国山林区绍普夫洛赫的豪迈公司成立于1960年。德国有许多低知名度的世界顶级公司,他们是...

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