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2023-12-14   British English
Loneliness is a Widespread Problem with Complex Roots - Ⅰ


Business. Bartleby. You’ll often walk alone. Loneliness is a widespread problem with complex roots. There has been a quiet pandemic developing while most people’s attention has been on covid-19. ...

商业 巴托比专栏——你常独行 孤独是一个普遍存在的问题,其根源很复杂 当大多数人的注意力都集中在新冠肺炎上时,一场悄无声息的流行病正在蔓延。封锁加剧了在许多发达国家蔓延了几十年的问题:孤独。这是一个复杂的问题,不仅涉及社会生活,...

2023-12-12   British English
The European Market is a Tough Terrain for Food Delivery Firms


Business. The gig-economy - How can we be heroes? The European market is a tough terrain for food delivery firms. Delivery Hero has had a good run in the past couple of years. In August 2020 i...

商业 零工经济 — 我们怎么能成为超人呢? 对食品外卖公司来说,欧洲是个艰难的市场。 Delivery Hero在过去的几年里经营得很好。2020年8月,它上升进入德国Dax指数,这是德国最有价值的上市公司的股票市场指数。它的业...

2023-11-10   British English
Average Joe - The Real Joe Biden, Part One


Books & arts. Johnson. Average Joe. The president-elect lacks a silver tongue and makes for poor TV. That may be an asset During the Obama years, the Onion, a satirical online newspaper, carri...

文艺板块 约翰逊专栏 普通人乔·拜登 这位当选总统没有流利的口才,电视表现也不佳。但这可能恰恰是他的可贵之处。 在奥巴马执政期间,讽刺性的网络报纸《洋葱报》刊登了一系列关于乔·拜登的文章,并在文中称他为“钻石乔”和“邪恶的...

2023-11-08   British English
The Sale of BBVA's American Unit to PNC, Part Two


The price tag on BBVA's American franchise amounts to about 30 times its projected earnings in 2021, according to analysts at UBS, a bank. That is a lot for a unit that has long underperformed, postin...


2023-11-06   British English
The Sale of BBVA's American Unit to PNC, Part One


Retail banks. Bye bye America. The sale of BBVA's American unit to PNC may set off a wave of mergers. In May PNC, America's seventh-largest retail bank by assets, sold a stake in BlackRock, an as...

零售银行 拜拜美国 将BBVA的美国分部出售给PNC可能会掀起一股并购浪潮 今年5月,按资产计算为美国第七大零售银行的PNC以170亿美元的价格出售了资产管理公司贝莱德的股份。PNC的老板比尔·德姆查克当时表示,对经济的担忧促使...

2023-10-31   British English
Ninety Percent of Everything, Part Two


Owners and managers are trying to make confinement more bearable with free internet and wage top-ups, says Andreas Hadjipetrou, the managing director of Columbia Shipmanagement. "One captain asked ...


2023-10-29   British English
Ninety Percent of Everything, Part One


"I'm not comfortable in my chair with such a crew," says the captain of a cargo vessel in the South Atlantic en route from Bermuda to Singapore. He is eight months into a four-month contract, and a...

“和这么一群船员在一起,我坐在椅子上都难受,”船长说,他是这艘从百慕大到新加坡的南大西洋货船的船长。他签的是为期四个月的合同,现在已逾期八个月了,几乎船上所有船员的工作时长至少都是合同规定时间的两倍。 他希望新加坡能够接受事实,即几个...

2023-10-21   British English
It's a Memory for People to See a Film at the Drive-in - Ⅱ


Warner has arranged a digital-only release for "Scoob!", which was due in theatres on May 15th. Paramount has sold "The Lovebirds" to Netflix. Even Disney, which does better at the box office than ...


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