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2023-09-03   British English
Two books Aalyse What Makes Hedge-fund Managers Great - Ⅱ


The promise of superior performance is wrong, he says. Of course some investors make a killing, but on average hedge funds have underperformed even risk-free Treasury bills. This is because the bulk o...


2023-09-01   British English
Two books Aalyse What Makes Hedge-fund Managers Great - Ⅰ


Business books quarterly. Book Review. The success of hedge funds. Masterclass. Two books analyse what makes hedge-fund managers great, and reach very different conclusions. The Alpha Masters: Unloc...

商业书籍 书评 对冲基金的成功 大师级 两本介绍对冲基金的成功之处的书 其结论大相径庭 阿尔法大师:揭秘世界顶尖对冲基金的智慧,曼尼特·阿胡贾着。 对冲基金的海市蜃楼:巨资的幻象及其难以置信的原因,西蒙·拉克着。 忘...

2023-08-18   British English
Summer Camps - Camps for Scamps


Business. Summer camps. Camps for scamps. An American tradition is spreading. Some have their faces painted as Spider-Man; others as sparkly pink butterflies. Children at Super Camps arrive each...

商业 夏令营 顽皮鬼的天地 一项美国传统正在传播蔓延 一些人把他们的脸涂成蜘蛛侠,其他则描画成耀眼的粉红蝴蝶。每个工作日的早晨,孩子们都满载热情并带上便当来到超级营地准备丰富多彩的一天。除了攀岩走壁(这毫无疑问是蜘蛛侠最擅长的...

2023-08-14   British English
Lipstick Changes Lives South of the Limpopo


Business. Avon in South Africa. Cosmetic difference. Lipstick changes lives south of the Limpopo. For years Alice Mthini scraped by as a domestic servant. Becoming an "Avon lady" in 2009 changed...

商业 雅芳在南非 化妆行业带来的改变 唇膏改变了南林波波省人们的生活 爱丽丝·麦菲尼是一名家政女佣,多年来,一直以此勉强维持生计。2009年,爱丽丝被聘为"雅芳小姐"。这,改变了她的一切。渐渐地,她发掘出自己的销售才能,在...

2023-08-06   British English
An Intellectual-property Exchange,Marketplace of Ideas


Business. An intellectual-property exchange. Marketplace of ideas. A new financial exchange hopes to make it easier to trade patent rights. The technology industry is at war over intellectual pr...

商业 知识产权交易 创意集市 愿新型金融交易让专利买卖更容易 科技产业就知识产权的问题一直纷争不断。5月7日,甲骨文和谷歌就与编程语言Java相关的专利和版权声明进行了多回合的首轮较量,结果双方铩羽而归。苹果、三星及其他厂商在智...

2023-07-31   British English
Roadkill is Now on the Menu in Wyoming


United States. What's for dinner? Street food. Roadkill is now on the menu in Wyoming. A New Delicacy is available in Wyoming. It is fresh and cheap—but probably a little gamey. Last month i...

美国 晚餐吃什么 路边餐 路毙动物现在已经上了怀俄明州的菜单 一种新的美味开始在怀俄明州出现。 它新鲜又便宜,但可能有点野味。上个月,怀俄明州人收集意外撞死的或偶然撞死的动物已合法化了。并非所有的动物都是猎物。灰熊、一些...

2023-07-17   Pre-Intermediate
An Effort to Require Food Producers to Identify Genetically Engineered Foods


Food activists sayeveryone has a right to know what they are eating.A few weeks ago an effort by food activists in the American state of California.They wanted California voters to approve a requireme...

2023-07-15   British English
New York’s Doormen - Ⅱ


“We make sure everything that they need is available for them,” says Crystalann Johnson, who works in a 60-storey building in midtown. The pandemic affected management, too. Many ground-floor te...

在市中心一栋60层的大楼里工作的克里斯特兰·约翰逊说:“我们要确保他们所需要的一切都得到满足。”疫情也影响了管理。许多底商,如零售商和餐馆,都关闭了,没有重新开业,这意味着收入损失。 工会对此表示怀疑:曼哈顿的租金创历史新高,第一季度...

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