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2024-11-17   Video
How Roblox Became a $45 Billion Videogame Company


(upbeat music) - A lot of the work you do is with blocks. It's the core shape of the platform. - [Narrator] Samuel Jordan has been making video games since he was 15 years old. - I've ...

(欢快的音乐) - 你做的很多工作都是用 blocks 做的。 这是平台的核心形状。 - [旁白] 塞缪尔·乔丹 一直在制作电子游戏 从他 15 岁开始。 - 我已经不再经营服装店了 到 3D 咖啡馆和...

2024-11-10   British English
Scrabble Made less Competitive to be Attractive to Gen Z, Part 2


Each group then tested two hand creams, one ostensibly made to the original formula and the other a newly developed product. Even though the cream was the same in every instance, people who thought...

然后,每个小组测试了两种护手霜,一种表面上是根据原始配方制作的,另一种是新开发的产品。尽管护手霜在每个例子中都是一样的,但那些以为公司成立于20世纪初的人认为新产品不如原来的产品,那些以为公司是最近成立的人对两个护手霜的评价一样。 传...

2024-11-08   British English
Scrabble Made less Competitive to be Attractive to Gen Z, Part 1


Business. Bartleby. How to combine heritage and innovation. "Thick", scoffed the headline on the Daily Mail website on April 9th, in response to the news that Scrabble has had an overhaul. In ...

商业 巴托比 如何把传承和创新结合起来 “笨蛋”,4月9日英国《每日邮报》网站的新闻标题嘲讽道,这是对Scrabble进行了大改造消息的回应。在世界上的一些地区,这款文字游戏重新推出了双面棋盘,其中一面现在有新的、更简单的设计,目的是...

2024-11-08   Pre-Intermediate
Hawaiian Salt Makers Aim to Protect Tradition


Last summer on the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, Tina Taniguchi was working close to the ground. Her coconut leaf hat covered most of her thick brown hair. Wet soil had gotten on her clothes and her smili...

去年夏天,在夏威夷的可爱岛,Tina Taniguchi 在靠近地面的地方工作。她的椰子叶帽遮住了她浓密的棕色头发。湿漉漉的泥土沾到了她的衣服和她的笑脸上。 谷口在可爱岛西侧的 Hanapepe 盐田工作时笑得很开心。这是一块大约半公顷大...

2024-11-06   British English
Everest, Inc. By Will Cockrell


Culture. Book review. Adventure quests. Ain't no mountain high enough. Everest, Inc. By Will Cockrell. Climbing Mount Everest used to be a feat of staggering bravery, endurance and skill. In...

文艺 书评 寻奇探险 山不够高 《珠穆朗玛公司》 威尔·科克雷尔 攀登珠穆朗玛峰曾经是一项需要惊人的勇气、耐力和技术的壮举。自1953年埃德蒙·希拉里爵士和丹增诺盖首次登顶以来的40年里,平均每年有12人追随他们的脚步。20...

2024-11-05   Intermediate
Inside LinkedIn’s New Flagship


(upbeat music) - [Adam Falk] At LinkedIn's flagship office space, there are more than 75 different types of seating. - This feels like a spot for maybe a really quick call or just answe...

(欢快的音乐) - [Adam Falk] 在 LinkedIn 上 旗舰办公空间 / 有超过 75 个 不同类型的座位。 - 这感觉像是一个适合的地方 也许是一个非常快速的电话 或者只是回复几封电子邮件。 ...

2024-11-03   Intermediate
Inside Adobe's Colorful, Redesigned Headquarters


- We're here at Adobe's headquarters in downtown San Jose. And this gray scale building behind me might not be what you'd expect from the makers of Photo Shop but let's check out the inside...

- 我们在 Adobe 的 总部设在圣何塞市中心。 而我身后的这座灰度建筑 可能不是您所期望的 来自 Photo Shop 的制作者 但是让我们看看里面。 (打击乐) Adobe 于 1994 年建立了圣何...

2024-10-28   Video
The Startups Racing to Make Your Next Electric Car


- This is a period of great transition. It's a seismic shift effort. - Maybe the biggest revolution since we moved from the horse to the engine. - [Narrator] If I say electric vehicle to...

- 这是一个伟大的过渡时期。 这是一项翻天覆地的变化。 - 也许是最大的革命 由于我们从 马到引擎。 - [旁白] 如果我说 今天的电动汽车, 很多人想到一个名字, 但许多初创公司都希望改变这一点, ...

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