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2024-04-26   British English
A Guide to Running a Company in a Period of Stagflation


Business. Managing American business in hard times: No margin for error. A guide to running a company in a period of stagflation. For the leaders of American Inc, high inflation is unwelcome. ...

商业 在艰难时期管理美国企业:容不得犯错 在滞胀时期经营公司的指南。 美国公司的领导人不欢迎高通胀。对其也不熟悉。91岁的沃伦·巴菲特是标准普尔500指数的大企业中年龄最大的老板,最近的一次,他早在2011年致股东的信中就股价上...

2024-04-24   British English
A Billionaire’s Challenge to Management Thinking, Part 2


The authors of the paper did discover a wide range of approaches, with some managers going on gut instinct and others using very formalised processes. But the researchers found that bosses who use ...

调查发现,他们的决策方式确实各不相同,一些管理者凭直觉行事,另一些则循规蹈矩。但研究人员发现,老板采用的流程越有条理,其带领的公司往往规模更大、发展更快(其中的逻辑关系尚不清楚)。他们做决定的速度也往往更慢。 马斯克先生和其追随者的方...

2024-04-22   British English
A Billionaire’s Challenge to Management Thinking, Part 1


Business. Bartleby: The bird and the boss. A billionaire’s challenge to management thinking. Elon musk’s takeover of Twitter raises questions of policy: is it right for the world’s richest man to...

商业 巴托比:小蓝鸟与大老板 亿万富翁的管理思维挑战 埃隆·马斯克接管推特后,人们从多个角度提出了质疑,首先是政策角度:这么重要的公共论坛成为全球首富的所属物,这合适吗?其次是法律角度:他刚完成收购就在短短几天内决定解雇这么多员...

2024-04-19   Intermediate
How Consuming a Competitor Fueled Cava’s Rapid Growth


- [Narrator] Fast casual chain Cava has turned Mediterranean dishes into a nearly $4 billion business. But most of its growth came from an uncommon strategy: buying a competitor quadruple...

2024-04-01   Intermediate
Why Aldi Is America’s Fastest Growing Grocery Store


- [Narrator] This half gallon of whole milk from Aldi costs $2.18 cents, eggs 1.87, bread 1.29. (gentle music) Aldi is the fastest-growing grocer by store count in the country, and it...

2024-03-27   British English
Tech Startups are Bracing for Lean Times, Part Two


Falling valuations in turn make it harder to raise capital. New projects may be put on hold and new hires may have to stop. Some companies could go out of business altogether. On April 5th Fast...

不断下跌的估值反过来又加大了融资的难度。新项目可能会被搁置,新员工的招聘可能不得不停止。一些公司可能会直接倒闭。4月5日,为在线商家提供结账软件的Fast公司宣布由于资金筹措问题将停止服务。 许多投资者预计,未来几个月将有更多初创公司...

2024-03-25   British English
Tech Startups are Bracing for Lean Times, Part One


Business. Technology -- Hungry, hungry unicorns. After a fat year, tech startups are bracing for lean times. After a stunning run during the pandemic, which put a premium on all things digital, t...

商业 科技——饥肠辘辘的独角兽 在经历了繁荣的一年后,科技初创公司准备迎来不景气时期 在疫情期间,科技股涨势惊人,所有数字化产品都获得了红利,如今它们处境艰难。4月20日,在视频流媒体巨头Netflix公布了十多年来的首次季度订...

2024-03-19   British English
Tech Bubbles are Bursting, Part Four


Collectively, Alphabet, Amazon and Microsoft, the world’s three biggest cloud providers, took in $43bn of sales for such services in the first three months of 2022, up by 33% from a year earlier. Mor...

全球三大云服务提供商字母表、亚马逊和微软在2022年第一季度共实现了430亿美元的云服务销售额,同比增长33%。 艾夫斯指出,更令人没想到的是,老牌科技和硬件股似乎状况不错。老牌芯片制造商英特尔自去年11月以来股价下跌了13%,是一个...

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