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2022-02-20   British English
Britain, Anti-bribery Laws


Britain. Anti-bribery laws. Palms ungreased. A long-delayed anti-bribery law will soon come into force. THERE is a lingering assumption among Britons that their country stands for probity and fa...

英国 反商业贿赂法 揩油 姗姗来迟的反贿赂法即将生效 英国人一直自矜的认为他们的国家建立在正直和公正的基石上。然而国外的反应却不尽如此。反腐竞选人依旧利用Tony Blair2006年的决定拒绝调查与Saudi Arabia的一...

2022-02-16   British English
Japan and Global Supply Chain


Business. Japan and globe supply chain. Broken links. The disruption to manufacturers worldwide from Japan’s disasters will force a rethink of how they manage production LAST year Iceland’s volc...

商业 日本和全球供应链 断裂的链条 日本地震灾难所造成的世界范围内制造商的崩溃迫使人们重新思考管理生产的方法 去年冰岛的火山灰扰乱了整个欧洲的航空运输,为世界制造供应链自低库存和及时成产时代以来提供一个最大的考验。 现在,日本的...

2022-02-12   Pre-Intermediate
The Survival of Small Business


The restaurant business is very competitive in the United States and many people choose to eat out at well-known chain restaurants.So how are small,family-owned restaurants making ends meet? We visite...

2022-01-25   British English
BRAC in Business


Business. Face value. BRAC in business. Fazle Hasan Abed has built one of the world's most commercially-minded and successful NGOs. Smiling and dapper, Fazle Hasan Abed hardly seems like a revoluti...

商业;商界人物; BRAC的商业一面 法佐·哈桑·阿比德建立了世界上最具商业头脑的、最成功的NGO组织; 面带微笑、衣冠楚楚的法佐·哈桑·阿比德怎么看也不像是一个革命者。这个在英国受的教育的孟加拉人是莎士比亚和乔伊斯的粉丝...

2022-01-17   British English
Carmakers - Revenge of the Petrolheads


Business. Carmaker. Revenge of the petrolheads. Fossil-fuel cars are getting much cleaner, making life hard for green ones. THE Chevrolet Volt, a compact, petrol-electric hybrid launched by GM a y...

商业 汽车制造商 燃油车赢得先机 燃油汽车越来越环保了,环保汽车日子难过了 雪佛兰新款车型沃蓝达结构紧凑,是由通用汽车公司在一年前推出的一款混合动力车,上个月它的电池在碰撞试验中起火,但在此之前它的销售很不理想。通用...

2022-01-15   British English
How to Make Bricks out of Industrial Waste


Science and Technology. Materials science. Don't slag it off. How to make bricks out of industrial waste. BUILDING houses and offices out of toxic waste sounds like a pretty eccentric idea. Yet...

科技 材料科学 废渣别融掉 怎样用工业废渣制造砖块 用有毒废料建造住房和办公室的点子听起来真怪。但是如果西班牙坎塔布里亚大学的Ana Andres成功的话,这项技术就会广泛应用。 Ana Andres博士和她的...

2022-01-11   British English
Business - Insulting Advertisements


Business. Insulting advertisements. Ad hominem. When rudeness sells. THE Israeli government recently raised an interesting question for advertisers: whom can you safely insult? "American Jews" ...

商业 侮辱性广告 人身攻击 以冒犯为卖点 最近,以色列政府提出了一个对广告商来说很有意思的问题:什么人你可以冒犯而没有风险?美国的犹太人,这是一个错误的答案。 在一段力促犹太人回到以色列去的广告片中,一个犹太男...

2021-12-22   British English
Bakers and Chaebol in South Korea


Business. Bakers and chaebol in South Korea. Let them eat cake. A half-baked effort to curb the conglomerates. SOME parents give their children cakes. A few give them cake shops. The hot topic ...

商业 韩国的糕点店与财阀 让小店也分一杯羹 控制财阀的笨办法 有些父母会给孩子买蛋糕吃,而有一些则会给他们开蛋糕店。如今,韩国人热议的话题是财阀家族纷纷给他们的女儿和孙女们开糕点店和其他小型饮食店。这些财阀都是掌控韩...

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