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2022-04-15   British English
Microsoft Announced An $8.5 Billion Purchase of Skype


Microsoft's gamble. A big phone bill. The price that Microsoft is paying for Skype looks high. STEVE BALLMER was his usual effervescent self on stage at a press conference in San Francisco this we...

微软的赌博 一大笔电话费 微软将向Skype支付天价收购金 [本周]在旧金山举办的一场新闻发布会现场,微软CEO史蒂夫·鲍尔默一如既往的兴高采烈。他宣布微软将以85亿美元的价格收购网络电话及视频服务公司Skype,并不断吹嘘他的公司...

2022-04-05   British English
FIFA's Presidential Election


IN ZURICH on June 1st a presidential election is due to take place. It is a rare event, the first since 2002, with a mere 208 voters. No incumbent has lost since 1974, and the man in possession is exp...


2022-03-26   British English
US, The South Cleaned up After the Deadliest Storms


United States. Tornadoes in the South. Out of the whirlwind. The South cleans up after the deadliest storms in 86 years. PLEASANT RIDGE BAPTIST CHURCH, set on a busy commercial street in Hueyto...

美国 南部龙卷风 旋风过后 86年来最致命风暴过后,美国南部开始清理工作 休伊镇位于伯明翰西南部十几公里处,普莱曾特里奇浸信会教堂便坐落于这个小镇一条繁忙的商业街上。教堂刚刚开门迎客,对面的DQ冰激凌店和附近的帕布克斯杂货店也都开始...

2022-03-10   British English
What Do Bosses Do All Day


Business. Management. What do bosses do all day? The shocking truth can at last be revealed. THANKS to closed doors and fierce gatekeepers, bosses are tricky to observe in their natural habitat. ...

商业 管理 老板整天在干嘛? 惊人真相终将披露 多亏了紧闭的房门和尽忠职守的把关者,老板们得以狡猾地呆在自己的窝里观察一切。然而,了解他们每天做什么,这些行为又对股东是否有利,也许是不无益处的。哈佛商业学院新披露的一份文件...

2022-03-04   British English
Cloud Computing's Growing Pains


Cloud computing's growing pains. Break-ins and breakdowns. The lessons from Sony's big security lapse and Amazon's cloud-computing outage. IT COULD turn out to be the biggest breach of data priva...

云计算的发轫之困 侵入和故障 从索尼的巨大安全漏洞和亚马逊的云计算中断中汲取的教训 这可能是互联网出现以来最大一宗违反数据保密的事件了。本周,索尼承认,黑客们盗走其在线游戏和娱乐网络中超过7700万用户的个人信息——很可能...

2022-03-02   British English
I, Robot-manager


Business. Schumpeter. I, robot-manager. Management thinkers need to ponder more about homo-robo relations. ROBOTS have been the stuff of science fiction for so long that it is surprisingly hard t...

商业 熊彼特 人与机器人的管理 管理思想家需要考虑更多关于人与机器人的关系 机器人已经被认为是科幻的东西太久了以至于把他们看作管理事实的东西惊人地难。一为捷克剧作家Karel Capek在1920年给他们取了名字(来自...

2022-02-26   British English
AT&T’s Ambitious Bid to Reshape America’s Wireless Market


Business. Mobile telecoms in America. An audacious merger with a poor reception. AT&T’s ambitious bid to reshape America’s wireless market has spooked rivals. But it faces significant hurdles. PE...

商业 美国移动通讯业 联姻大胆,反响不佳 AT&T的竞标雄心勃勃,意在重塑美国无线通讯市场,竞争对手惊慌失措。但并购也面临重大阻碍 在美国,AT&T移动电话网络质量不稳常遭人取笑,那些以此为乐的人,本周有了新鲜笑料。3月2...

2022-02-24   British English
Online Media Distribution - Raging Bulls


Business. Online media distribution. Raging bulls. Music and television firms fret about their distributors’ new business models. RELATIONS between the companies that create media products and th...

商业 网络媒体分销 愤怒的“公牛” 媒体产品制造商与分销商一向不睦,双方围绕媒体内容售价,常年争执不休,而随着数字分发改变媒体格局,吵得更是不亦乐乎。媒体巨头就像老拳击手,一把年纪了还要两次爬进拳击场,与高科技公司一决雌雄,后者貌似正...

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