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2024-05-29   Intermediate
Why It Took 17 Years to Approve the Largest Wind Farm in the U.S.


- [Narrator] 900 wind turbines will soon cover this stretch of New Mexico Desert, transforming it into the largest wind farm in the Western hemisphere. The project, SunZia Wind, was greenl...

2024-05-29   Video
Will Flying Taxis Get to the 2024 Olympics in Time


Boo, when do you think that this flying taxi will carry paying passengers? Five years, 10 years beyond? Well, if you ask its maker helicopter, it could be way sooner. This is happ...

2024-05-26   British English
Dominic Raab, Bully or Victim, Part Two


The investigation found no evidence that Mr. Raab shouted or swore at people, or that he targeted individual civil servants. Mr. Tolley was unpersuaded by allegations from officials that he made th...

调查没有发现拉布对人大喊大叫或咒骂他人的证据,也没有证据表明他针对个别公务员。 公务员们指控拉布做出了威胁性的肢体动作,包括猛拍桌子、把手伸到某人的脸跟前以让他们闭嘴,托利对此并不信服。这位律师写道,“伸手”的动作并不像声称的那样盛气凌人...

2024-05-24   British English
Dominic Raab, Bully or Victim, Part One


Business. Bartleby. Dominic Raab, bully or victim? If enough people think you’re a bad boss, then you are a bad boss. A fascinating case study on the exercise of power within an organisation ...

商业 巴托比 多米尼克·拉布是职场恶霸还是受害者? 如果有足够多的人认为你是一个糟糕的老板,那么你就是一个糟糕的老板。关于在组织内部行使权力的一个有趣的案例研究刚刚在英国得出结论。4月21日,多米尼克·拉布辞去了英国副首相兼司法...

2024-05-12   British English
The Sack of Silicon Valley, Part Two


Between the depths of the pandemic in the spring of 2020 and peak employment at the start of 2023, the tech sector added around 1m workers. Simply enlisting such numbers required hiring plenty of r...


2024-05-10   British English
The Sack of Silicon Valley, Part One


Business. Technology. The sack of Silicon Valley. Where have all the laid-off tech workers gone? To understand the shift in tone that has taken place in Silicon Valley in recent months, look no ...

商业 科技行业 硅谷裁员潮 科技行业裁掉的人都去哪里了? 要了解最近几个月硅谷发生的气氛转变,只需看看马克·扎克伯格在2月份的宣言:2023年将是"效率之年"。这算不上那种让人心跳加速的语言-- 除非你是受此影响的一名员工。3月...

2024-04-30   British English
The Archaeology of the Office, Part Two


If your office still uses internal mail, with those special envelopes that have people’s names crossed out as they wend their way round an organisation, you are in a corporate period drama. But mos...

如果你的办公室仍然在用那种有特殊信封的内部邮件,还会当人们在公司里走来走去时,把他们的名字从信封上划掉,那你就像是在拍一部公司历史剧。 但大多数办公室里仍然有几处线索表明,纸张在过去有多么重要。复印机、扫描仪、碎纸机、切纸机以及超大的...

2024-04-28   British English
The Archaeology of the Office, Part One


Business. Bartleby: The archaeology of the office. A walk around the workplace is also a trip back in time. The office is where colleagues meet, work and bond. But it is also a time capsule, a...

商业 巴托比:办公室的考古学 在工作场所散步也是一次时光旅行 办公室是同事见面、工作和联系的地方。但它也是一个时间胶囊,在办公室里,过往工作模式的印记随处可见。疫情暴发后,办公室可供企业考古学家挖掘的感觉更加浓厚。 这不仅...

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