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2022-05-29   British English
Internet Companies - Attack of the Clones


Business. Internet companies. Attack of the clones. American web firms are battling foreign hordes that look remarkably similar. ON AUGUST 1st Airbnb, an online marketplace that helps people rent...

商业 互联网企业 克隆来袭 美国互联网企业正在抵抗大量海外相似企业来袭 8月1日,Airbnb,一家在线房屋租赁公司,承认他们错误地处理了一起客户投诉,这位客户的公寓被其中一名租客洗劫一空。公司的老板布莱恩·切斯基恳求客户的原谅...

2022-05-17   British English
Japan’s Preference for Hardware over Software is Fading


Innovation in Japan. Samurai go soft. Japan’s preference for hardware over software is fading. “A SAMURAI would never write software!” barked a senior executive at one of Japan’s biggest electron...

日本创新 日本武士走向没落 相对于计算机软件而言,日本偏爱计算机硬件,但这种偏爱正在消退。 “一个武士绝不会去编写软件!”一名任职于日本最大的电子企业的高级主管厉声说道,当时他正在一个晚宴上开怀畅饮。大部分日本人认同这个观...

2022-05-15   Pre-Intermediate
The Last Manned Fighter


Business. The defense industry. The last manned fighter. It is the most expensive military project ever. It is plagued by delays and menaced by budget cuts. Will the F-35 survive? LEON PANETTA i...

商业 国防工业 最后一代有人驾驶战斗机 作为有史以来造价最高的军事项目,一再被推迟并饱受预算削减威胁的F-35战机会有一线生机吗? 对于奥巴马将自己从中情局调往五角大楼的意图,莱昂·帕内塔可谓心知肚明。月初刚刚接替罗伯特·...

2022-05-05   British English
IBM's Centenary


IBM's centenary. The test of time. Which of today’s technology giants might still be standing tall a century after their founding? IT IS not, by any means, the world’s oldest company. There are J...

百年IBM 时间的考验 今天的科技巨头,哪一个也能在它成立后仍续领风骚一百年? 它绝对不是世界上历史最悠久的公司。日本酒店可追溯到8世纪,德国啤酒厂的诞生于11世纪,而意大利银行起源于15世纪。下周庆祝它的100岁生日的I...

2022-04-29   British English
IBM vs Carnegie Corporation


IBM vs Carnegie Corporation. The centenarians square up. Both IBM and the Carnegie Corporation will turn 100 this month. Has the multinational business or universal philanthropy done more for societ...

IBM vs卡耐基基金会 迎来百岁生日的IBM和卡耐基基金会一决高下 [本月],IBM和卡耐基基金会都将迎来100岁生日。谁对社会贡献更大呢,是IBM这个跨国集团还是遍布世界的慈善机构卡耐基基金会? “评定任何组织影响力的...

2022-04-25   British English
Microsoft is Grappling with a Mid-life Crisis


Microsoft. Middle-aged blues. The software giant is grappling with a mid-life crisis. COMPARED with IBM, Microsoft is a mere stripling. Founded in 1975, it rose swiftly to dominate the world of p...

微软 中年忧郁症 软件巨头正在中年危机中挣扎 与IBM相比,微软还只是个年轻人。成立于1975年的微软因其Windows操作系统和包括文字处理及其他生产工具的Office系列迅速崛起并主导个人电脑世界。但是该公司如今呈现出...

2022-04-21   British English
US' Teething Troubles in the Clean-energy Sector


United States. Renewable energy in the north-west. Tilting at windmills. Teething troubles in the clean-energy sector. THE melting snows of spring and early summer are justly celebrated by Aaron ...

美国西北部的可再生能源 风能发电遇到困难 清洁能源领域中的问题开始出现 春季夏初,冬雪融化,这正是阿隆.柯普兰的音乐和威廉·惠特曼的诗歌中所赞美的时节。但现在融化的冬雪却给太平洋西北岸地区带来了麻烦。因为一家联邦电力机构把...

2022-04-19   British English
Internet Companies - Welcome to IPOville


Business. Internet companies. Welcome to IPOville. Social-media firms see champagne; others see bubbles. INITIAL public offerings (IPOs) of internet start-ups are like buses: you wait ages for o...

商业 互联网企业 欢迎加入IPO俱乐部 社交媒体的香槟酒,业外人士的泡沫 网络创业公司的首次公开募股(IPO)就像等公车一样:等半天不来一辆,突然一来就是好几辆。正如美国技术企业的IPO市场, 历经多年的死水微澜之后,突然...

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