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2023-02-19   British English
Bringing Home the Bacon -Ⅱ


A tradition of public-private partnerships, which began with farmers forming co-operatives to improve production and marketing in the late 19th century, continues to flourish. An Agro Food Park nea...


2023-02-17   British English
Bringing Home the Bacon -Ⅰ


Business. Schumpeter. Bringing home the bacon. Tiny Denmark is an agricultural superpower. Every weekday 20,000 pigs are delivered to the Danish Crown company's slaughterhouse in Horsens, in cen...

商业报道 熊彼特 将培根带回家 小国丹麦是农业超级霸主 在每一个工作日里,2万只猪将被送入丹麦科王公司位于丹麦中部的霍尔森斯的屠宰场中。他们受到持着巨型苍蝇拍的工人们驱赶,快步地跑进那令人震撼无比的房间中去。在那儿,他们被倒挂起...

2023-01-24   British English
The Rise of BlackRock -Ⅱ


In fact, by being on hand to pick up assets cheaply from distressed sellers, an unleveraged asset manager arguably stabilises markets rather than disrupting them. But for regulators that want not m...


2023-01-20   British English
The Rise of BlackRock -Ⅰ


The rise of BlackRock. In 25 years, BlackRock has become the world's biggest investor. Is its dominance a problem? ASK conspiracy theorists who they think really runs the world, and they will pr...

贝莱德的崛起 贝莱德二十五年间成为世界上最大资产管理公司,一家独大会出问题吗? 问问阴谋论者到底是谁主宰着世界,他们很可能会将矛头指向跨国银行,比如花旗银行、美国银行、摩根大通,石油巨头埃克森美孚、壳牌可能也会躺枪。或许,还会有...

2023-01-12   British English
The Space-tourism


A space company based on the Isle of Man, a British dependency in the Irish Sea, became the second company-after Space Adventures, an American space-tourism firm-to offer tickets for a commercial moon...

一家位于爱尔兰海的英国属地马恩岛的太空公司成为继美国太空旅游公司 Space Adventures 之后第二家提供商业登月门票的公司。 两家公司都对每个座位收取 1.5 亿美元的费用,这个价格包括数月的地面培训。两个公司都不提供降落地面的服...

2022-12-25   British English
Universal's Musical Merger -Ⅱ


Small wonder, then, that music firms are scrambling to cut costs. EMI is in fairly good shape after being put on a diet by Terra Firma, the private-equity firm that owned it before Citigroup. Still, U...


2022-12-23   British English
Universal's Musical Merger -Ⅰ


Business. The music business. Universal's gamble. A musical merger could create a new model, or a dozy mammoth. A WISE gamble involves knowing when to hold, when to fold and when to run, croons ...

商业 唱片业 环球公司的赌博游戏 唱片行业的并购案可能会催生一种新的商业模式,抑或是一个行动迟缓的"庞然大物" 肯尼·罗杰斯在通过百代旗下的国会唱片公司发行的一首歌中,这样低声吟唱道:"聪明的牌手知道何时叫牌,他懂得扣牌的...

2022-12-21   British English
Time for Women to Stop Being Shrinking Violets at Work


Business. Women in management. A word from your sponsor. Time for women to stop being shrinking violets at work. "I DON'T know any successful women who haven't had a powerful sponsor in their orga...

商业 女性管理者 后台一句话的事 职场女性 从此不再畏首畏尾 "在一个组织里,对于女性而言,没有过硬的后台帮助她们完成人生的首次突破,还能够风生水起的,我实在是没见过,"阿维娃·维滕贝格-考克斯,性别顾问公司20-First总裁...

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