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2022-11-01   British English
Cool Innovation


Business. Air conditioning. Cool innovation. An upstart hopes to make rival cooling companies sweat. ON A hot July day in 1902, the world's first air conditioner was switched on in Brooklyn. Sin...

商业 空调行业 酷创新 挑战者渴望把竞争对手逼出汗来 1902年的炎热7月,世界上第一台空调在布鲁克林区开始运转。自从那时起,空调就开始拯救生命、提高生产力,并且让夏天的南非更适于生活。时值110年后,批抨者们却很不满,因...

2022-10-20   British English
The Psychology of Discounting


Business. The psychology of discounting. Something doesn't add up. How marketers can take advantage of consumers' innumeracy. WHEN retailers want to entice customers to buy a particular product,...

商业 “打折”心理学 就是算不对 且看营销人员如何利用“数学盲”消费者 零售商想吸引顾客购买某种特别商品时,典型做法就是打折促销了。但是,一项发表在《市场营销杂志》的新研究则说明了他们并未统揽全局,掌握所有窍门。 ...

2022-09-10   British English
Ray Anderson II


Some of the technologies Mr Anderson hoped for (and half-envisaged, as a graduate in systems engineering from his much-loved Georgia Tech) had not been invented when he started. Several colleagues tho...


2022-09-08   British English
Ray Anderson I


WHEN Ray Anderson first encountered the concept at an international conference, it took his breath away. It was so smart, so right. It was flexible, practical, beautiful, and made perfect sense. He kn...

当雷·安德森在一次国际会议上首次意外碰到这个小方地毯的概念时,他激动不已。因为这个概念是如此的高明,如此的准确,而且灵活,实用,美观,并且非常合情合理。那时他就知道这些组合式的表面柔软的地毯(换句话说,小方地毯)能够改变世界。 别人则...

2022-07-30   British English
California’s Desalination


IF CALIFORNIA were not already so famous for Silicon Valley and Hollywood, it might be renowned for the cluster of water-technology firms in its San Diego County. The reverse-osmosis (RO) spiral modul...


2022-07-28   British English
The Converted Mall


THE old Rackspace headquarters was stuffed to the gills. In 2007 the company, which offers cloud-computing and web-hosting services, had more than 1,000 employees in downtown San Antonio. People were ...


2022-07-18   British English
The Effects of Start-ups on Employment may be Modest


A MAN walks into a conference room at the W hotel in downtown Austin. The setting, sleek and hushed, says business. The trainers—red, puffy, and paired with a sports coat—add a wink: new business. ...

一名男士步入了奥斯汀市中心W酒店的会议室。那里的环境井然有序且安静,一派职场气象。但是男士脚穿的红色蓬松运动鞋和身上的运动外套却在这派气象上加上了一种特殊意味:新型商务。 “在这个国度的每个角落里,每个缝隙间,都蕴藏着疯狂惊人的新建公...

2022-07-04   British English
Maurice Lévy, Boss of One of the World’s Biggest Advertising Firms


“MAURICE is immortal,” says the chief executive of a French multinational. When told of his friend’s comment, Maurice Lévy, boss of Publicis, one of the world’s biggest advertising firms, is visibly f...


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